This Can't Be Happening...Again

Day 3

He woke up and got ready, tired because of his troubled sleep. On the way out the door, his mom stopped him. "Did you unplug the phone?"
"No, mom. Cat must've." He raced out the door nearly in tears.
When he got on the bus, Allen knew something was wrong.
"Corey...?" He called his name quietly.
"Yeah?" he answered, fighting tears.
Allen couldn't help it, he pulled him into his arms. "Whatever upset you, I'm sorry..."
Corey just sat there against him. He wasn't sure what to do. Allen wiped away a tear he hadn't realized had fallen.
"I hate him..." he said quietly.
He held him tight. "It's okay..." Allen thought, 'Whoever this Ryan kid is, if I meet him, he's in for it.'
Corey stayed pressed against him the whole ride to the school. When they got there, he whispered, "I shouldn't have come today..."
Allen's eyes were filled with sorrow for him. "Know what?"
"We're going out for icecream today. My treat." He would kiss him, but he didn't know how he'd react.
No answer. Corey wasn't so sure icecream, even his favorite, rocky road, would help.

-End of Day-

"I'm getting you icecream."
No answer, he just kept walking.
"I didn't get off at your stop for no reason! We're getting icecream!" He picked him up in his arms and carried him to the icecream place.
"Hey! Put me down! I wanna' go home, put me down!"
"You can go home after you eat your icecream."
"...Fine." Corey was annoyed at that point. ( :P I love's icecream!)
Once they got to the icecream place, Allen set him down in a chair. Yeah, people stared when he was carrying him, but the minute he tried to put him down, he tried to run. So he carried him the whole way. (Which was only like a block from his house)
"What kind do you want?"
"I don't care," he mumbled, not wanting to be there.
"C'mon, what's your favorite?"
"...Rocky Road."
Allen went and bought the icecream, cookie dough for him, and rocky road for Corey. "Here ya go."
He just looked at it. "Thanks..." he mumbled.
"Cheer up!" He sat down across from him.
Eventually, he took a bite. He slowly ate his icecream. When he was halfway done, he stopped eating.
"I'm not hungry..." he said quietly.
"....Okay, we can go..." He got up and threw away their trash. They walked to Corey's house, and Allen stopped him at the doorway.
"I hate you being all depressed. What did this guy do to you?"
Just as he said that, Corey's cell phone starting ringing. He looked at it. Guess who?
"...Ryan..." he whispered. He dropped the phone.
Allen picked it up. "Hello?"
"Umm...Corey?" Ryan asked.
"No, smartass. It's Allen."
"Stop harassing Corey before I call the cops. He doesn't want to talk to you. Leave him alone."
"You can't tell me what I can or can't do!"
"Well, Corey could. But he refuses to pick up this phone while you're on it. So leave him ALONE." He hung up on him.
Corey was fighting tears. He raced inside.
Allen followed. "Corey...what did he do to you?"
His voice was just above a whisper. He told him the whole story.
"I...He...He said he loved me. He LIED to me. He...he..." He took a deep breath. "He told me I could trust him, but then he got some new friends...He was on the football team. They made fun of me, called me a fag, homo, every other word you can think of, and he went along with it! He didn't stick up for me, he joined in. He's the reason I switched schools..." Tears streamed down his face. "I loved him..."
Although Allen wanted to punch Ryan, he was thinking, So he is gay.
He pulled Corey into a hug. "Did he try and call you last night?" he asked softly.
Corey nodded.
Allen held him tight. "I'm sorry," he whispered in his ear. "He never should've done that to you..."
Corey smiled a little. At least someone's here for me, he thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment? I want icecream! =( I hate Ryan. Lol if he was real, he...wouldn't be for long...XD JKJK I wouldn't KILL him...maybe put him in the hospital........If he was lucky. :D *Cough cough* Coma...Oh, and yeah, it's short....Sorry! :P