This Can't Be Happening...Again

Brandon's big mouth

Corey was on his way to go through another day of school. He got on the bus as usual.
A few weeks had passed since Ryan called. Him and Allen had been hanging out daily since, so something good did come out of it.
Allen wasn't on the bus, so he leaned against the window. Brandon glanced at him once, but said nothing.
He fell asleep...And he had a dream.

~Corey's dream~

"Corey...are you okay? I have to tell you something..." It was Allen's voice. He was holding him close, and corey blushed. His voice was just above a whisper. "I'll never let him hurt you again, okay? I promise you. I love you..."
"Wha- Allen?" He asked.
"Yes, its me...I promise...I'm always here for you. I'm just a phone call away...remember that..."
"Okay..." he whispered to himself, " me?"

~Back into reality~

He woke up. Brandon was staring at him. He had a smile on his face.
"...What?" It was then that he felt the arms around him. He glanced back.
"Hi..." Allen said. "Good dream?"
"Uhh...yeah...where'd you come from?"
"I was at my grandma's house. She's the stop after yours."
He felt dumb. "Oh..." Then he looked at his arms. He blushed when he saw Allen's hands were in his coat pocket. Then he thought for a minute.
"Did you...say anything...while I was asleep?"
"Yeah...did you hear me?"
"I think...maybe..."
"What'd you hear?" he asked. Corey watched his looked like he was fighting a smile.
Brandon spoke up. "Whatever you heard was true, if you heard the words 'I love you'." He smirked.
Corey blushed. "Wait, you said that? Really?"
"I don't lie..." He kissed his cheek. "And I meant it."
His face continued to grow red. It all added up.
"You aren't joking with me are you?" he asked worriedly.
"No, I promise. I love you, Corey. I'm telling you the truth."
He looked at him, literally fighting back tears. "Don't lie to me..." he said quietly.
That did it. Allen pinned him to the window. "I told you..." he leaned closer. "I don't lie..." Leaning in, he locked his fingers with Corey's. He kissed him softly. "Do you believe me now?" he asked in his low, tender voice.
He nodded...but any guards he had up failed. The tears streamed down his face anyways. Allen held him close.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"'s just..." he stopped.
"...I...I love you, too...but...I'm...afraid to...." he admitted.
"I'll wait for you. Don't worry..."
Corey smiled slightly as Allen wiped the tears away.
"Kay..." he whispered. Then he thought about the rest of the day...and sighed. He was finally okay with being in his new school, making new friends...

...and falling in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Sweet? Comment, sorry it took so long for the update...Busy. Friends, lol. (Who don't like mibba. LOSER FRIENDS!(Jkjk, luv you all)) =D Don't you just love Brandon? Without him, I would've added like, 7 more chapters before Corey realized how Allen felt. :D