Just A Dream

Wake UP!

Darkness surrounded me...
I couldn't see anything....
Except for my clock. It was 1:10 in the morning.
I was just about to close my eyes and go back to sleep when I heard a voice call my name softly. "It's almost time, Julia..." the low voice said.
I watched the clock as it changed to 1:11. "Time for what?" I asked the darkness.
I jumped out of bed as it began to rock...I was scared...terrified...and I didn't even know why.
I ran to my mom's room, but the door was locked.
"Mom, Mom! Open the door! Mooommmm!" He was behind me, I knew it. I shoved past with my eyes closed and ran outside. Where was everyone?!
I ran through the forest that was now surrounding my house...but...since when was it there? Confusion swirled in my head, but I just kept running...
A house, I thought. I'll be safe there...
I rushed inside, only to see an old woman in the fetal position rocking back and forth mumbling something quietly.
Then she got louder.
"Get out, get out, GET OUT! He's coming...don't bring him here...Leave!" she screamed at me. I did just that....Ran out the back door.
I just kept running...
And running...
For what seemed like forever...when I heard a noise behind me, looked back for a second to see it was a crow, then tripped.
"Ow..." I mumbled. I looked back and saw his face...I saw his eyes...
I screamed and woke up.
...It was just a dream....Just a dream...
But his eyes...seemed absolutely real. They weren't normal...they weren't human...
Simple...Green eyes that seemed so vibrant they had a glow to them...but with a white pupil...that seemed like he could see all of your fears...
Just by getting you to do one thing...
Look in his eyes.


Eventually, I got the courage to go to school...It took...a while. I sat there in my bed from 3am until 6 when my alarm clock went off.
I was quiet that day...freaked out, kind of. Then I went to math.
"Class," Ms. Timmons announced. "We have a new student today. Why don't you tell us your name and something about yourself."
"My name," he said with a low voice, "Is Jared Andrew."
"What about your last name, is this right?"
"Yes, spot on." He looked around the class. "Jared Andrew Nightmare."
I looked up at him and stared. He looked...identical to my dream...but his eyes were just a little bit darker green and they were normal, not white in the middle.
"Somin' about myself? ...Well, although most people hate nightmares, I find they're a lot more fun."
I stood up. "Can I be excused?"
Ms. Timmons looked at me and nodded. "I suppose."
I was already out the door.
I raced to the bathroom and threw up. Was he...real?
After that, I took out my toothbrush and toothpaste. (I always have my travel one, just in case.) I brushed my teeth getting rid of the awful taste in my mouth and went back to class.
I walked back in, stopped as I saw Jared was sitting in the seat next to mine, then sat down.
He whispered to me, "Are you okay? You seem kind of sick...you're really pale..." He looked at me with a worried look.
"I-I-I'm fine..." I stammered.
After class, he cought up with me. "Umm...can I sit with you at lunch?"
I looked at him and shook my head. "I don't care what you do, just..." I trailed off.
"All right, I guess I'll sit by you then." He smiled and walked away.
At lunch, I sat down at an empty table. My friends Amanda, Carol, Jeremy, and Rob all walked over.
"Hey!" Amanda said to me. "Didn't you see us? Helloooo, come back to earth, Jules!"
I shook my head again to clear it. "Sorry...I had a nightmare last night and it's following me around today..." I mumbled under my breath,"And here he comes..."
"Hey. Julia, right?"
I nodded.
He sat down and gave me a peculiar look. My friends all looked at me for an explanation. He gave one.
"The name's Jared. I asked if I could sit with her, if that's okay with you guys." They smiled.
Amanda was first to talk. "We don't mind at all!"
He smiled. "Amanda Wimmer. You play volleyball, basketball, tennis, and dance. You've been friends with her since Pre K, and you're wondering how I know all this. You secretly have a crush on...Hahah...someone here. And you think I'm cute. Right?"
She stared. "HOW'D YOU KNOW ALL THAT?"
He shrugged. "I guessed. I got the sports and dance from your binder." He nodded toward it. "I figured you liked..." He looked at Jeremy. "because of the way you were looking at him." He smiled. "You're easy to read."
"So how'd you know I thought you were cute?"
He smirked. "Now I know. I didn't then."
She turned crimson, and sat down.
Jeremy looked at him and laughed. "So whaddya know about me?"
"Hmm...Football player, definately. I can tell because of the way your muscles are. Doesn't seem like you're a basketball player...But you secretly like someone at this table, right?" He smirked. "She likes you, too, if you haven't figured that out."
Jeremy smiled. "Sweet."
I just wanted this to end.
But Carol didn't. "What about me?"
"Definately a singer."
"How'd you know?"
He smiled, like it was a dumb question. "Your voice. I can tell. You're probably dating Rob. Considering you're holding hands."
She smiled. "Yep!"
Rob stared at him. "I don't wanna know."
He laughed. "Okay, then I won't tell you."
I had to ask.
"Why do you like nightmares so much?"
He stopped smiling. "I don't know. Why do you hate them so much, not all nightmares are bad..." he was pretty quiet from then on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Creepy, huh? He has a psp with all the names of the school, like American Pie. XD Comment please! P.s. This is an actual dream I had, but I had it 3 times in one night! =[ I like this nightmare though! ;]