He's No Prince Charming

Chapter 2.

"I just don't see why you won't say yes now. What's the point in waiting until the end of the summer honestly? What if they sign someone else? What then?" My mother prattled on again for the 40th time in the past 2 days since the dinner about not saying yes.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. It was six in the morning and I had yoga classes to go to, I wouldnt even go if it didn't have my best friend in there with me. Rose is the only person I can truely be myself around. I love her to death. She's a model or something important like that. Which is the only reason my mother even considers allowing me to be around her. "Mom, I told you before, I don't want to rush in to anything, can I please, PLEASE, just be allowed to think about things? If they find someone else then I'll just find a different musical to be in, God would you calm down."

"Watch the tone, little girl. You might be 19 but you still live in my house." She pointed her finger at me. "Go get ready, you're going to be late." She sighed and went back to her bedroom.

I swear I hate it when she treats me like I'm 10 again. I'm nineteen, and pretty soon I'm going to be 20. I should move out, but if I did I'm pretty sure she might try to dig deeper into my life then she already is. Atleast here she doesnt ask me constantly where I'm going or wonder if I'm sneaking around with guys.

I took a shower and got dressed in my lazy clothes and threw my yoga outfit into my duffel bag. I didnt feel like doing anything with my hair so I just threw it up in a messy bun. I threw on a bit of make up and ran out to my car. I got in the back and told Andrew to take me to yoga classes. You're probably thinking right now, "Wow, what a high maintenanced snob" I'm not. Really. Have you ever tried driving around New York? It's not fun. And there's no way I could get in a cab. The last time I tried that, it didnt end well for me. Not going to bore you with the details of it.

Andrew parked the car outside of my yoga class, "There you go Miss. I'll be back in about two hours? At starbucks?"

I smiled. "Exactly Andrew, Thank you"

"My pleasure Miss." I got out of the car at exactly the right moment. I could see Rose walking down the street, I walked over and we went inside.

"Well what's new?" Rose asked me as we were getting changed.

"Oh nothing. My mother has decided I have ruined my life absolutely. You know, the usual."

"Bloody hell, what did you do this time? Forget to clean the dishes?" I laughed, I swear I love Rose so much sometimes. Her accent and way of speaking is just wonderful to be around. Rose is from London by the way.

I sighed."Well after the show a few nights ago, my parents and I went to dinner with the Jonas' again. And apparently Mr.Jonas pulled a few strings and now some producer, who is a major pervert, wants me" I paused like he did. "To record an album with him. Did I mention he produces Miley Cyrus's albums?"


I sighed, "Yeah, I know"

"Please tell me you said no" She stopped getting dressed and looked at me. "If you produce an album with him, he'll make you're music sound like... her's. And I'm sorry, but I don't think I could be seen in public with you after that."

I laughed even harder at that. "Well.. I didnt exactly say no... I asked if I had to answer now. He said I had until the end of summer." We both finished getting dressed and shut our lockers.

"Well?" She asked me as we went to our class. "What are you going to do?"

We got into the class, sat down our mats, and started stretching. "That's just it. I don't know. I have no idea at all what I want."

"Well.. wow. Maybe you need a break?" She shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, come on, you've never had a break. And I mean a real break. Away from everything. Maybe you need to get away from everything, work, the Jonas twat, and your parents. Definately you're mother."

I stopped stretching. She was right. I needed a break. A real break. Away from my parents, away from Kevin, away from everything clouding my mind.

She stopped and looked at me. "What?"

"Let's get out of here. I'm going to need to really think and talk about this, and its going to need longer than 30 minutes inside Starbucks."

She shrugged. "Alright"

We got re-dressed quietly. I think she knew I needed to think about this. Which good lord, I was thinking about it alot. I couldnt even really concentrate. All I knew is I had to get out. I wanted, no I needed a break more than anything else right now. Didnt matter where, as long as it was as far away as possible.

"Breathe, Michelle" Rose brought me out of my trance.

I took a deep breath, and I finally took in my surroundings. We were at Starbucks already sitting down with drinks. Wow I was really out of it.

"I was worried I had broke you, bloody hell you havent said 2 words since we got out of there."

"Sorry, I was just...thinking." I took a sip of my cappachino.

"Well obviously, what have you been thinking?"

I sighed, "I want to, I want to get as far away as possible. Maybe somewhere with a beach, I would say L.A but that would definately not get me away from work. My mother would have some stupid idea which included her coming along which I really don't want. At all."

"Well... I know of this one place." I looked at her. "Okay so last year when I with that married guy, he decided to take me to California. I, being my stupid self, thought he meant LA. But he didn't, he took me to this wonderful beach side city. It was gorgeous there. And the guys.... My god. They were gorgeous there. They don't make 'em here like they do in California"

I laughed, but I really liked the sound of the place. "What's the name?"

She stopped for a second and got a really serious look on her face. "Damnit... It's like Hunting... something." She closed her eyes for a second. "Huntington Beach! That's it! I remember now because one of my favorite bands live there"

"Great! That's where I'm going now. Huntington Beach, California." I smiled at Rose. "God, Rose, do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now?"

"If you really wanna show me how much you love me, you'll let me come too" She smirked.

"That's a wonderful idea! We can go for the whole summer! It'll be great"

"Sounds like a plan to me" She stuck her cup out towards me and we toasted our drinks to this amazing plan.

We sat there basically for the next hour going over the plan of what we would do there.

"I want to have sex" She stopped what she was doing and gave me the 'Are-you-serious?' kind of look.

"Yeah, I am."

She almost started laughing. "Don't you have sex here? When I said they don't make them here like they do there, I didn't really mean it. They're not much different"

I blushed.

"Oh god... You've never fucked before!?" This time she really did start laughing her ass off.

"Shut up! People are staring!" I covered my face.

"I'm sorry it's just... I thought... that.. you know... you and that Jonas twat were getting it on."

This time I started laughing. "No! Oh God! Never!!"

We were both laughing so hard the manager had to ask us to quiet down.

"Since fucking when was it illegal to laugh in public?" Rose said after the manager walked away.

"Rose," I started.

"What its true!" We both started laughing again.

When my driver finally got there, we both got up and hugged. When she was letting go she told me, "Don't worry love, I'll get you laid this summer" She winked and we started laughing again. "And don't forget you have to tell your parents soon or else you'll chicken out of it!" I got in the car and I really thought about what she said.

"Shit..." I was really going to have to tell them. This is so not going to go well.
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