Status: Random Idea.

Whoa, Wait What?


I reached the compartment and sat next to Eric.

"Eric! Dementors!" I whispered into his ear. He told Charlotte the same thing and I heard her gasp. A skeleton hand grabbed the door and oulled it open and I pulled out my wan, ready to try a Patronus, but Lupin, the man sitting on the end, beat me to it. Harry passed out onto the floor and we waited until he woke up.

"I'm going to go check on Fred and George." They nodded and I went back into the other compartment.

"Evelynn!" Fred and George said hugging me.

"Guys!" I gasped "Back.."

"OH! Sorry!" They both said.

"It was a dementor."

"What?" I told them what happend in the other compartment.

"We're almost there. We should change."

"Boys out." I said and Fred and George sighed, then left.

"You can't boss me around." Lee said smirking.

"Out." I said pointing to the door and glaring.

"How did you do that?' Alicia gasped in awe. I started laughing.

"I just glared."

"But Fred and George just listened."

"They know how I get when I get mad." I shrugged putting on my robes. We finished changing and the boys came back. Something felt out of place.

"CHUCK!" I yelled. Suddenly the little kitten ran in the room and hopped on my lap.

"I thought I lost you. Where were you?" Wid Charlotte. I heard in my head.

"I think I'm going insane."

"Why?"Chuck purred and I swear she was laughing. I'm magic, am I not?

"True." Just then I wondered why I hadn't been ....attacked? today. My right ankle started to hurt, and instead og screaming I just gasped. My ankle, surly, had a cut on it now.


"Ankle." Fred grabbed the gauze from my bag, and George looked at the cut. They wrapped it and I sat back down.

"What just happend?" I just shook my head, and pet Chuck under her chin. The train pulled up to Hogwarts and I went to find Charlotte and the crew.

"Hey Evelynn! Over here!" Harry called and I hopped into their carriage saying goodbye to Fred and George. When I finally saw Hogwarts, I was shocked. It looked exactly like it did in the movies, but up close. It was stunning. We made it to the Great Hall and watched the first years sorting, and Dumbledore said a speech, then we ate. This food was the best. I had Lasanga. When we were done we started walking to the common room.

"Harry." I said stopping him.


"Do you know how to get to Dumbledores office?"


"Can you take me. I wanna see what he know's about the cut thingy."

"Yeah sure."

"We'll catch up with you guys!"

"KAY!" Charlotte screamed, making some people look. Harry and I walked all the way to Dumbledores office, which wasn't good for my ankle, but I had to see him.

"I don't know the password." Harry said.

"Sherbert Lemon?" I said. It opened.


"Lucky guess." We climbed the spiral steps and knocked on his office door.

"Come in." We did and he told us to take a seat.

"Ms. Aryen?"

"Umm. Everyday since I came to the Burrow, I been getting cuts, randomly, and I don't know why."

"Hmm. Yes. Sounds like Dark Magic. I don't know how to stop it , but This neckelace should stop it as long as your wearing it."

"Thank you so much!" I said putting th necklace over my head. It was a black stone, with gold accents on it. It was on a long gold chain. Harry and I left and made it to the Gryffindor Common Room. We said the password and found Eric, Charlotte, Hermione, and Ron sitting by the fire.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey. Gryffindor is gonna have a back to school party in an hour." Someone yelled.
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SORRRYYYY I DIDNT UPDATE I wrote it and then it got deleted. well whatcha think?