Status: Random Idea.

Whoa, Wait What?

Gryffindor Party

"Really?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes. " Hermione sighed

"Why do you say it ike that?" I asked.

"Why would you party when you could be studying?" I looked at Charlotte, and she looked at me and I knew we were thinking the same thing. We smirked and pulled Hermione upstairs against her will.

"Why me?" She mumbled

"What to wear? What to wear?" Charlotte muttered looking through her trunk. We finally decided on matching red dresses. We added the Gryffindor logo just to make them better. We each put on some makeup and headed back downstairs to see the party has already started. We couldn't spot the guys anywhere so we sat down and waited.

"Why are you three sitting at a party?" Someone asked. I looked and saw three pretty hot guys.

"Just waiting." Hermione said. I elbowed her.


"Well, why don't you come dance?" The blonde one asked, smiling

"Why not?" Charlotte smiled. The blonde one held out his hand and Charlotte took it, they went off and danced.

"Mademoiselle?" The middle one, he had long black hair, long for a guy anyways, and bright blue eyes.

"Pourquoi pas?" I said taking his hand.

"Parlez vous francais?"

"Oui." I said simply. A slow song came on and he put one arm around my waist and took my hand with the other.

"You know how to waltz?" I asked.

"Oui." He smiled.

"Do you speak english."

"Sure." He said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ah ah ah! You should know that in french.'' He said with a thick french accent.

"Ugh. Comment t'appelles_tu?" I asked.

"Je M'appelle Louis, et toi?"

"Je M'appelle Evelynn."

"What year are you in?" He asked.

"3rd. You?"

"Same. How come I've never seen you around?"

"I'm new."He nodded.

"So who are your friends?"


"The blonde and the brunette."

"Oh. The blonde one is Harrison and the brunette is Nate."I nodded.

"Who afre your friends?" He asked.

"The tall one with blackish brown hair is Charlotte and the other one is Hermione."

"Hermione Granger?" I nodded. The song ended and he bowed. I laughed and curtsied. We walked and met up with Hermione, Nate, Charlotte, and Harrison.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Evelynn!" I heard someone call. I looked over and saw Eric waving at me frantically.

"I'll be right back."


"It's Ginny." He says.

"What's wrong with Ginny?!?!" I ask.


"Should I get Charlotte or Hermione?"

"No she wanted you." We rushed up to the boy's dorm and when I walked in I gasped.
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