Status: Random Idea.

Whoa, Wait What?


Mrs. Weasley closed the cut and all you could see was a scar.

"Thank you."

"Honey, do you have any idea why this is happening?" I shook my head and she went back to Mr. Weasley and we sat down like nothing happened.

"How can you all be so calm! Did you see what just happened."

"At least it wasn't like yesterday." Eric said.

"This happened before?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. It sliced across her face." Hermione said.


"Why? WHY?!? How am I supposed to know why! You don't think I wanna know why, everyday now, I get some gash somewhere! Of Course I wanna know why!" I was fuming now.

"Evelynn. If you don't calm down...Evelynn Ayren! I will use your middle name! Sit Down!" Charlotte hissed. I took a deep breath and sat down, taking a swig of Butterbeer.

"Charlotte that was a little harsh. You know how she feels about her middle name." Eric whispered harshly.

"Keep talking like I'm not here. Like I can't hear you." I said looking out the window.

"Evelynn you were overeacting." Charlotte said.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be back."

"Where are you going!" Hermione asked.

"For a walk."

"Not alone." Ron said.

"I know." I walked over to Ginny.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" She nodded.

"Mrs. Weasley. May I go for a walk with Ginny?"

"Just keep her safe." I nodded and we walked to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream.

"Do you want anything?" She shook her head

"Vanilla please." I said. I gave him a Galleon and sat down next to Ginny.

"What did you wanna talk about."

"I needed to relax." I said taking a lick of my icecream. "Why do you think I keep getting cuts?"

"I have no Idea, but you could ask Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore! Perfect! Thanks Ginny." I said hugging her.

"Can we stop in the Pet Shop I like looking at the kittens." I nodded. We walked across the street and into the shop.

"Aww." She said petting an orange kitten. I smiled. She reminded me of the cat I was going to get when I was Seven. I was going to name her pumpkin, but my Mom wouldn't let me get her because she was to furry. I sat next to Ginny and noticed a kitten that was smaller than my hand. She was completely white, one ear was black, and the other was orange. Her eyes were black with little streaks of purple that you could see only if you looked really close. I picked up the kitten and she curled up in a ball in my palm. I brought her to the register and asked how much she was.

"10 Galleons and 5 Sickles. 5 Galleons for a cage, food, and a toy." I nodded and payed the girl. She had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looked just like Glinda from Wicked

"I'll take it all." She nodded and smiled.

"Would you like me to shrink the cage so you can put it in your purse?" I nodded.

"Reducio. To enlarge it to it's normal size, say Engorgio."

"Thank you." I put the cage, food, and the little toy in my purse and carried my kitten in my hand.

"Ready Ginny?" She stood up and nodded.

"Aww! You bought a kitten."

"Yeah. I have to name her though. Let's go back."