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In This Puzzling World

The Greek family wasn't just weird - they were bizarre.

They leave their Christmas lights up all year. They talk how they want, when they want, about whatever they want, without fear. There are six kids and one mother, Loki, Nyx, Eros, Eos, Artemis, Apollo, and Marisa. They all look near-perfect. They act like the deity they are named after - their mother raised them that way.

Everyone in the neighborhood, Avalon, and everyone in the school, West Haven School of Connecticut, thought of them as freaks that should never be touched.

All except Raven, and her friend, Macy Evans.

Raven Hawthorne thinks differently. She is intrigued by the Greek kids' odd behavior, and she is eager to find out more. Her twin sister, Dove, thinks very differently, though. Perfect Miss Dove Marie Hawthorne cannot fraternize with those freaks, lest she be considered one herself.