Unforgettable actions

Chapter 5

Matt's P.O.V

This is the last fucking question, and I only have 11minutes. And it's a fucking essay question. And this is not what I fucking studied. Reading over the question for the umpteenth time I just jotted down some essay points and starters that I could maybe write about.
I know. I'll write the beginning and some ideas as if I was writing the essay but then ran out of time. Genius.

So, now that I finished and had "run out of time", I still had 8 minutes to kill.

Making sure the examinor didn't notice me, I started thinking of what dicks my mates were. They don't get that I HAVE to pass this or I flunk. If I flunk, where's our band going to go?

They can't even see I'm passing this for their own fuckin good.

They're getting a piece of my mind at lunch, especially Johnny.


Syn's P.O.V

I had come to the conclusion that either Jimmy was influencing Zacky alot lately or Zacky found out about that night.

Things between me and Jimmy had never been the same after that night.
We were close as, but then I just had to go fuck everything up. We still get along and all, just not like we used to.
Now fucking Zacky's starting to as well. Only he gets like all awkward. I swear he's even blushing.

I've gotta talk to Zacky alone.

Ok, so here's like a sorta outline of my plan.

Ask Zacky what'sup, and if he says ANYTHING even related to the subject of, you know, love n shit, then I tell him how I've felt about him. And how I feel now.

How DO I feel now?

I don't even fuckinG knoW that. Do I really love Zacky?

What if he asks about Jimmy?

What the fuck did I do...