Quiet Boys.


“I have to go to my dad’s for the week,” I said softy into the phone.
“Really, truly? That means you’ll hurry back again right? Summer is in it’s last month you know,” Parker said. I sighed.
“You know I’ll do all that I can.”
I always felt sad when I talked to Parker on the phone because that only meant I wasn’t with her.
“Alright. I’ll see you soon, and talk to you even sooner.”
Then she hung up. She never waited for me to hang up, ever.
I finished packing my bag, trying not to think of how Parker told me that Allison was throwing a party of some kind. I had been invited, but couldn’t go, since I would be with my dad.
I didn’t fit into those things at all anyways. They always made me feel lonely and I would just sit in a corner until Parker would come find me and kiss me. Other than that I hated those things.
To make matters worse that blond boy would be there. The one that touched Parker and liked to whisper in her ear. He always made me mad. I think his name was Tyler but I couldn’t be sure. I didn’t like to pay him any attention.
That’s when I saw my dad’s car pulled into the rocky driveway. I made my way downstairs, hugged my mother, and then got into the old Cadillac.
The car ride was silent for the most part, which was strange for my father and I. usually you couldn’t shut us up.
The second we walked in the door my father gave my a very grave look.
“I know the look in your eyes,” he said to me. I swallowed hard, and diverted my eyes to the wall, which really didn’t help at all.
“What do you mean?” I asked hesitantly.
“I know exactly what it means. It’s summer, you have no cares in the world. Your senior year is starting soon. And, there’s a girl.”
I can’t say I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t tell my dad about Parker at all. I hadn’t even mentioned her. I blinked a few times.
“Excuse me?” I said.
“Come on, Ivan. You really think I’m that stupid?”
“No, I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“Then give me a break kid, and let me in. What’s her name?”
“P-Parker,” I stammered, really not believing how he knew so much.
“And how’d you meet her?”
“Those, those art classes. In the beginning of April. The, the art classes.” He just laughed.
“Well at least I didn’t completely waste my money.”
He sat down in his brown chair, and I sat on the loveseat across from him.
“Why so nervous?” He asked me.
“I don’t know,” I replied. And I didn’t know why. My dad was the one person I could tell anything to. What was I afraid of?
“Tell me about her?”
“I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
“I don’t think there are words. She’s got one of those personalities that’s very …surreal,” I concluded, figuring I sounded like an idiot.
“Just tell me one thing,” My dad said.
I didn’t like the sound of that, but no matter what, I knew I’d tell him the truth.
“Do you love her?” I answered without hesitance.
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I'm sorry I don't update this as frequently as I used to. I suck. It's all because I started writing my other story but I can't help it, that one, I already know exactly what I'm doing with the ending and I love writing it so much. So I apologize that I don't update this like I should. Also, this was kind of short, so I really really suck.