Santa, Can You Hear Me?

Merry Christmas, Baby.

I walked slowly through the snow covered streets of New York City. I watched as people pushed and shoved their way through the streets. Sometimes it bothered me that the city never seemed to slow even though it was Christmas Eve. It was a clear night though it was extremely cold. I pulled my ratty coat a little closer to me. I came to Central Park, my desired destination, about five minutes later. I tried to find a sheltered place, somewhere out of the wind. The shelters were already closed for the night and I hadn’t made it to the door fast enough. I found one of the gazebos and curled into a ball in the corner. I closed my eyes and thought of someplace warmer. I let my black hair fall into my fall into my face. I tried to sleep to no avail. And so I sat, eyes closed, shivering to near convulsions, in the middle on Central Park in the busiest city in the United States.

I thought of the dark haired man who had offered me money and a warm place to sleep just a few nights ago. I had turned him down; a move I admit was stupid now. I tended to act on my pride a majority of the time simply because I didn’t like charity. Sure, I didn’t have a definite place to stay or a meal to eat but that didn’t mean that I needed someone else to provide that for me. I had actually had conversations with the brown eyed man. He was very easy to talk to and I found myself confiding things that I hadn’t told any one. I told him about my sexuality, my dreams, the life I left behind in Florida. If I was being honest I had started to develop feelings for the man. He’s a singer. His name is Gabe Saporta.


I couldn’t stand sitting in my house any longer. I grabbed my coat and started walking not entirely sure where I was going but not really caring either. I thought of the thin black haired boy that I had helped countless times. I had given him money, I bought him a coat, and I had given him food and even offered to let him stay with me. He had also lied to me countless times, saying that he didn’t need a place to stay or my money. He wasn’t rude; no he was too shy to be rude. I had spoken to him many times and he told me a lot. I told him things too. I told him that I’m bisexual; he told me he’s gay. I told him that I sing in a band; he told me that he would be a photographer if he had the money to get a camera.

I walked absentmindedly, thinking of the blue eyed devil. His name is Cameron Railey. He’s nineteen years old, two years younger than I am. He loves the snow but hates the cold. He loves the city lights but hates the confinement.

I found myself in Central Park. It was beautiful with the blanket of snow. I wondered what Cameron was doing right now. I hoped he made it to the shelter tonight. It was too cold to be out here. I heard a weak cough come from one of the gazebos and looked there automatically. At first I thought there was no one there but then I noticed the small figure. It was a boy; he was curled into a ball. His black hair was falling in his face, covering most of it and he was shaking. I approached him slowly. I was afraid it was Cameron. I had developed feelings for the young man. I’m a sucker for a lost cause and he seemed to fit the mold. The boy looked up then and ice blue eyes locked with mine.

“Cameron? Oh shit, I thought you were staying at the shelter,” I said as I kneeled next to him.

“I didn’t get there fast enough,” he whispered and then coughed again.

“Your lips are blue…” I said. I knew he wouldn’t like what I was about to say but he wasn’t going to have a choice in the matter. “Come on, Cam, you’re staying with me,” I told him. He shook his head but I had already scooped him up. Once he was in my arms he curled willing into my chest. He was still shaking when I made it up the stairs to my apartment. I kicked the door open and took him to the couch before going back to lock the door. “You want coffee or hot chocolate cause I have both?” I asked.

“Hot chocolate,” he answered softly and his body shook again. I went to the hall closet first and grabbed three blankets. I took off his shoes and the ratty jacket he had on and covered him in the blankets. By the time I came back into the living room with his hot chocolate he looked ten times better. His face was still red but his lips were back to a light pink. I handed him the cup and he sipped at it. We sat in silence for about ten minutes. I didn’t mind it. He had stopped shivering and that made me feel a lot better. I watched him as he looked around the room. His eyes stopped on my Christmas tree. There were presents under the tree. Some were for my mom and some were from her that she had insisted on putting under my tree. She was bringing my dad and my younger brother over in the morning. “Thank you Gabe,” he said. I jumped.

“No problem,” I replied after regaining my composure.

“Your apartment’s nice, and I like the tree,” he told me with a smile. I smiled back at him.

“Thanks… Do you want anything to eat?” I asked.

“Sure, thank you,” he replied, he was being shy again.

“Alright, well I’ll make you something. You can shower if you want and I can give you clothes to wear,” I told him. He nodded so I showed him to the bathroom and found him a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt. He showered quickly and came out with his black hair sticking up in every direction. He ate in silence and he ate fast as well. We watched television for around an hour. It was ten o’clock when he spoke again.

“Gabe, if ask you to do something for me would you?”

“Depends on what it is,” I shrugged. He blushed crimson red and I smiled, it was cute.

“Well, I was wondering… you told me that you sing in your band… and ever since you told me that I’ve sort of… wantedtohearyousing,” he said so quickly that I barely caught it.

“You’re asking if I’ll sing for you?” I questioned, he blushed again and nodded. I smiled and then got up. I held my hand out to him and he took it and then I towed him back to my room. He sat on my king size bed and I grabbed my acoustic guitar from the corner of the room. I tuned it quickly and started immediately into the song. I had wanted to sing for him for a while simply so I could hear what he thought of my voice.

I'm not one for love songs
The way I'm living makes you feel like giving up but you don't
And I want everything for you
The disappointed because you've been left behind and the word hasn't shine
I would drop it on a dime for you

Hey, oh
And whatever it takes
Hey, oh
I'm going to make my way home
Hey, oh
We can turn our backs on the pasts and start over

And not long ago
I gave up hope, but you came along
You gave me something I could hold onto
Oh, whoa
And I want you
Oh, whoa
More than you can ever know

Before I met you I use to dream you up and make you up in my mind
oh, whoa
all I ever wanted was to be understood
you've been the only one who could
I could never turn my back on you

Hey, oh
And whatever it takes
Hey, oh
I'm going to make my way home
Hey, oh
We can turn our backs on the pasts and start over

And not long ago
I gave up hope, but you came along and gave me something I could hold onto
Oh, whoa
And I want you
Oh, whoa
More than you could ever know
More than you could ever know, it's true.

And not long ago
I gave up hope, but you came along and gave me something I could hold onto
Oh, whoa
And not long ago
I gave up hope, but you came along and gave me something I could hold onto
Oh, whoa
And want you
Oh, whoa
More than you can ever know.

His eyes were closed when I looked up. He didn’t open them. I set my guitar aside and moved towards him and his eyes stayed closed. His mouth was slightly open. He opened his eyes when I got close enough to feel his hot breath on my lips. I didn’t give him any time to do anything. I pressed my lips to his. At first he was frozen in shock but then his lips moved with mine. My hand twined in his dark hair and his found the sides of my face. I used my free hand to pull him closer to me. I pulled away a few minutes later and he leaned his head against my chest. I kissed the top of his head. We didn’t say much for the rest of the night. We fell asleep in my bed. He lay with his head on my chest and my arms around his waist. I slept with no shirt as I usual and he did too.


I woke up in the morning the happiest I had been in years. I was curled up with Gabe in his bed on Christmas morning. He was still asleep. I got up silently and crept into the bathroom. I rinsed my face off and then headed to the kitchen. I made coffee after fumbling through the kitchen to find it. I took the mug I had found and went to sit in the living room. I heard him stumble down the hall a short while later. He appeared in the living room entryway seconds later rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Merry Christmas,” I smiled. He smiled too, his entire face lighting. He walked over to me and took the mug from my hands. He set it on the coffee table and took my face in his hands. He pressed his lips to mine softly. The kiss was so overwhelmingly sweet that it made me want to cry. Our lips parted and he pressed his forehead to mine, keeping his hands where they were.

“Merry Christmas, baby.”
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The one and only. Comments?