Status: Complete, check out the sequel:)

In Fear of Life

Chapter Twenty.


So Jake has been sleeping on the couch, which pulls out [Hooray for technology!]. Adam..well..I don't know. He's been acting very strange lately. Mood swings, way too hyper, then yesterday he got really depressed.

"Adam?" I peek in the room to see Adam lying on the bed, facing the ceiling, staring at nothing. "What's wrong?" He continues to stare.

"Nothing..." I walk over to my love and lay down, holding him.

"I can see something's wrong. Please..tell me?" A tear leaks out his eye and I sit up. "Are you okay??" He shakes his head.

"I'm just really depressed right now. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your love!" Adam jumps up and screams before running into the bathroom.

I hear the shower start and I bang on the door. "Adam! Please, I love you. don't ever believe that I don't..Please..come out. Please," I choke out the last word. The door opens and he's standing there, only in his boxers. I would be turned on if this wasn't such a mess.

Then I notice it. He looks paler than usual, and has dark circles around his eyes. "Adam, you need to eat. You don't look so good." He starts to cry again and slides down to his knees.

"Now I don't even look good enough for you! I can't..I can't do anything."

I gasp and slide down next to Adam, grabbing him in a fierce hug. "I love you, Adam. And you look amazing. I don't even to control myself around you sometimes. I love you."

Adam leans into me and cries his eyes out. After a while he gets up and takes a shower. I wait on the bed, wanting to talk more. When Adam comes out, he lays down on the bed in his pjs and stares at the ceiling again. "I don't feel like talking..or anything. I just don't want to be ali-awake right now. Please."

End flashback.

Adam's really depressed, and when I dropped him off this morning, he looked really mad for some reason. I wish I could help him. I mean, if he's depressed, they have medicine for that. I should know, I've been there. I have. I close my eyes and lay down on my bed, and fall asleep before I remember to set my alarm to pick Adam up at three o'clock.


Aww, look at him. There's Matt, passed out on his bed. I guess I can pick up Adam, it's not like I have anything better to do. Plus, Matt just looks so tired. I write a note: 'Matt, you look tired. Picking Adam up:)' And drove to the school.

I find Adam talking to some guy, and it looks like they're about to fight. I pull over and get out, ready to protect my little brother's boyfriend.
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