Status: Complete, check out the sequel:)

In Fear of Life

Chapter Twentysix.


After walking home and saying goodbye to everyone, I decide to see what Hannah's up to. Dialing her number, I listen to Carnifex, the music that she plays instead of a ringtone. After a few seconds I hear her voice. "Oh em fucking gee, leave a message, loser!".

I can't help but giggle every time I hear this. BEEP. "Hey, uhm, are you at home? Because I can totally drop by. Or you can come here. Or whatever. Loveee youuu. Insert giant smiley face here, okay?" I click off and fall on my bed, letting out a breathe of frustration. She hadn't answered any of my calls in the last like, four days. That was definitely off.

Maybe she had a new boyfriend? Maybe she didn't like me anymore? Maybe she thinks...that I hate her??! I have got to call her again. "Oh em fucking gee, leav-" I hang up quickly. Where is she? I have got to get out more.

Dialing another number, he answers on the first ring. "Ello govna?"

I laugh. "Dude, let's chill. I'm soooo boreddd. And Hannah is no where to be found."

"Ahh, I see. Okay, well. I'll come over then. To beat you at Pokemon Puzzle League, you loser!!"

I laugh again. "You wish. See you soon." and hang up. Jonas is another of my friends, and before you get any ideas, perverts, he is 110% Straight with a capital STRA! Plus, I'm in love with Hannah, wherever she is this lovely evening.

Before long, I hear him at the door. THUNK THUNK..THUNK. "Answer the door, you little bitch!" I hear him yell through the door. I pull it open, and find that it's snowing harder than before. Looks bad. Jonas is at the door, freezing his ass off.

So we play Nintendo64 for awhile, me, of course, kicking his ass, when I get a call. Morris Brown by Outkast is Hannah's ringtone, and I pick up immediately. "Oh my god, where have you been?!" I squeal, excited that she's actually ALIVE. But instead of her voice, I hear a very different, very feminine voice answer.

"Hello, is this, uhm, Gustav?"

I nod, then remember she can't see me. "Yes..Uhm, who's this?"

"This is Hannah's mother. You two are not to speak anymore. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but she just needs a new life."

I gasp. "What..wait, no! What do you mean? Why? Can i talk to her, please, just one more time?" I hear a sigh.

"I'm sorry, she's not here, we've sent her away to St. Joseph's." I stare at the ground, confused. That's where they sent like, mental patients. Suicide risks. But Hannah's not like that. I mean, she's told me before that she's cut herself, but that was a long time ago. I'm so confused.

"Wait, why is she there? Is she okay?" Before I here a click. I try calling back, but it goes straight to voice mail.

I look up at Jonas, who looks really concerned. "What's wrong, dude?"

I shake my head. "Uhm..Hannah's mom told me we can't..uhm..speak anymore? And they sent her to St. Josephs. I have..I have to see her." I choke out, about to cry.

Jonas hugs me and says, "Come on, I'll take you."

I jump back. "Jonas, we can't. There's a blizzard and it's all the way across town."

"Do you want to see her?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Then we go." Jonas stands up and slips on his jacket, and I do the same, feeling very sentimental.

"Thanks" I whisper. Once outside, I really understand how freaking cold it is. For a minute, we don't think his car will start, but then it roars to life and heat blasts through the vents. We let the windows defrost for a minute, then slowly pull out of the drive.

Five minutes later, we're on the main highway, and my hands are gripping the dash, knuckles white. Jonas seems just as tense, and we're only going about 20 mph. I see a figure forming in front of us, and before long, it's a car, just sitting there. We slow down even more, and I look at Jonas. "Should we go see if they need help?" I ask, not anticipating the cold.

He shrugs and opens the door. I follow suit and we make our way to the small ford Taurus. The windows are covered in snow, and wipe some away from the drivers side. I jump back, startled as a face looks back at me. It's a guy with dark brown, short hair. He opens the door and steps out.

I step up, Jonas next to me. "Are you alright?" I ask.

He nods. "I just need a jump start, that's all." His voice is dark and gravelly. Jonas walks back to the car for plugs and I step closer.

"What happened?"

He looks at me and tightens his hood. I notice that his eyes look pitch black and shiver as he looks me straight on. "Nothing. But I think, you may have found what you're looking for."

I tilt my head, confused before he pulls out a knife. I back away in horror and yell out Jonas's name, but he can't hear me. I start to run back, but snow and ice suck.

Jonas looks up, and his face goes from one of frustration to utter terror. I scream again as I feel someone tackle me to the ground. Scratching and kicking, I try to get him off me. I look up to see the guy's face, pale and all shadows. As the realization that I will probably die settles over me, I kick even harder. I will not die. I can't.

As the guy lifts his knife, I knock it out of his hands and push him off me. Scrambling to get up, a hand pulls mine and Jonas and I are running back to our car. As we slam ourselves inside, we lock the doors in time. The guys tries to break the window, but can't seem to do it.

I look at Jonas, who looks like he's in shock. I grab his arm. "Drive. Now." He nods and puts the keys back in, turning. The engine whines, and he tries again. And again. The engine floods, and the man outside seems to know this. He leans against my window and fogs it with his breathe. In it, he writes, 'You will die first.'

I freak out and climb into the backseat. "J-Jonas. What do we do?" He looks at me, and tears are starting to spill from his eyes.

"I don't know. Do you have your cell phone?" I nod, and remember, DUH. Dialing 911, I thank god that we're not in the movies and I have service.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" I shiver, I've never wanted to hear that in my entire life.

"Uhm, hi. Uh, there's some freak, some guy who's trying to kill us! W-We're trapped in our car, the engine flooded.." I hear her voice again, soothing.

"Sir, can you tell us where you are?"

"Yes, we're on Highway Double O. Please-" I scream as the window next to me shatters. The guy threw a brick through it. Jonas whimpers.

"Please, oh my god, please, hurry. I think he's the one that hurt Matt, please..plea-" His hand reaches in and unlocks the door and I kick his hand, but the door's open and he's climbing in.

I drop the phone on a "Sir! Sir, get out of the vehicle!" Jonas grabs my arms and pulls me forward and I feel a sharp pain in the back of my leg, behind my knee. Jonas opens his door and he's running, with me limping on his arm.

"G-Go!" I yell. "He's behind us! Get to his car and lock yourself in! Try to start it!" I scream in frustration as he shakes his head and continues to pull me. He throws me in the car and climbing in after when the man appears behind him.

I gasp and Jonas's face registers shock and falls forward. The evil man pulls the knife out of his back and pushes him aside. I scream and kick out, so angry, and lash out, again and again.

The knife slashes at my legs and he tries to stab me, but I won't let him, I won't let the pain incapacitate me. Sirens get loud in my ears and there are light. The evil man looks away, and runs out of sight. I stop breathing for a moment, until they're on me.

I scream and push at them before I realize it's the police and paramedics. They pull me out of the car and set me on a stretcher. I look at Jonas and see he's still alive.

"Jonas!" I yell, but he doesn't seem to know where he is. They put me into the back of an ambulance and I lie there for a minute before paramedics sit down next to me, asking questions.

Then we're off and I'm staring at the lights, and the glass cabinets. The man asking me question's actually seems nice, but I don't care. Why did this happen? I know it was the man who hurt Adam, I know it was. But why is he targeting us? I'm not sure, but what if he's the guy who tried to kill Matt, too?

I've got to talk to them, I've got to talk to the police. I look over to the nice paramedic. "I've..I've got to talk to the police. I think I know what's happening, I've got to warm them.." But he just takes out a giant needle and pokes me in the arm.

"Ow, that hurt..why..what, I need to..warn"

And I close my eyes, surrounded by nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best chapter -.-"
Only three more left!
And there's a sequel, but like I said,
This was my first story and I don't really like it...
And I don't know if anyone else does or not..