Status: Depends on the comments I get :]

The Thoughts of One Moment

Chapter Eleven

Roseland was crazy. The club packed with people wanting to enter and see the band live. People going as far as to bribe the scalpers for the tickets in. I suddenly felt the need to keep the tickets hidden away in my coat pocket.

Allison and I stood back and watched the madness. People of both genders pushed at the doors, waiting for them to open. Allison turned to me. “You ready.” I breathed in and self-consciously shook my head. “I guess.”

She grabbed my hand and lead me around back. She watched carefully as the bouncer argued with two large busted woman. “Allison, I’m not into doing this kinda thing anymore.” I whispered.

“Not even to see a hottie like Gerard.” She looked at me. We were crouched behind a wall. The bouncer led the two girls away. “Especially not to see a hottie--I mean Gerard.” I whispered. She grabbed my arm again and pulled me along and through the small opening leading backstage. I’m so glad that the bouncer didn’t catch us.

Gerard’s POV

We just finished the set, and I had said goodbye to the crowd. Frankie pulled on my arm because he wanted to show me something he could do with a water bottle. “Frankie are you sure I wanna see this?” I asked just in case. He nodded. “Your gonna keep this PG-13 right?”
“Why should I, were all adults here.” He grinned. “Frankie!”

“Gee’s thinking dirty!” He exclaimed, running past the dressing room. “Frankie, I am not.” I tried not to giggle. Frankie turned around and walked backwards. “Then come see this.” He whined.


He quickly turned around. “Oh my gosh! Are are you okay?” He asked. “Rikki, ouch that hurt.” A friend of hers cried. “Shit! It wasn’t me.” She laughed. “Frank you really need to watch were your going.” I said walking over.

Rikki bit her lip and helped dust off her friend. “Ugh, what the hell.” She turned to Frank. “Allison, don’t freak. It’s not like he meant too.” She defended. Frankie apologized and watched as Allison left for a brief moment.

Rikki turned back to us. “Don’t mind her, she’s always this bitchy.” Frank nodded and smiled like nothing happened. She switched her weight from foot to foot. “So, um, Rikki, what’re you doing here?” I asked, rubbing the back of my head. “Well, see I heard a decent band was playing and I thought I’d check ‘em out.” She grinned. “What’d you think?”

“It was good. The show was awesome and I loved the view.” She said. Allison came back with her purse. “You were staring at his ass the entire time. So of course you loved the view.” Rikki blushed and looked at her friend. “Not the view I was talking about.” She said.

I started to blush myself. “Whatever, you know what, I gotta go, so I’ll see you later.” Allison claimed and left. “Hey, Rikki, you wouldn’t happen to have those pictures right?” Ray asked. “Uh, no, I left them at home. I can give them to you tomorrow.” She said.

“Can you get ‘em now. I really wanna see how they turned out.” Frankie asked, begging practically. “Frankie, she’ll show them to you tomorrow.” I said. He pouted. “Frankie--I’ll go get ‘em if you really wanna see them.” She said. I shook my head. “Good idea. Gerard go with her!”
Frankie cheered. “What.”

“And we’ll meet back here around midnight.” Rikki looked up at me and shrugged. “Sure.” She answered. I grabbed my coat and left, still unsure how I was tricked into going.
The walk over was awkward. We didn’t talk much and when we did, Its was small and not very developing. I learned that she’s been a fan of MCR for awhile. Since one of her cousins played The Jetset Life for her. I’m guessing that’s her favorite song.

“Who played that song.”


“And there’s two of them. Twins or something."

“Actually there’s three. Candy, Carla and Crystal. Triplets.”


She laughed and unlocked the door of her apartment complex. “Aw, man. Sorry for the mess, I didn’t have time to clean today.” I shrugged and looked around. She went to look over by the kitchen counter as I looked at the pictures on the wall.

I found the bedroom she slept in. Neatly made bed, posters on the wall. None of MCR. I was kinda glad for that. She found me looking and showed the envelop. “Found ‘em.” She smiled and handed them over. I peeped in and set them on the nightstand.

“You wanna go back?” She asked nervously. “Not yet.” I said softly wrapping my arms around her waist. “Frankie will--Frankie can wait ‘till tomorrow to see the pictures.” I whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. I felt her mouth tighten into a smile. She started to blush.

She giggled when I kissed the nape of her neck. “Did I just find your sweet spot.” She widened her eyes and shook her head, but giggled when I kissed the spot again. “I think I just did.”

She tucked in her lips, grabbed my hand and entangled our fingers. Kissing them gently. I smiled at her as she pulled on my arm slightly, wanting to lead me to the bed. I followed willingly and watched her lay down.

I climbed on top of her and stared into her eyes as she kept tying to tuck my hair behind my ears. I caught her hand and traced it, leading to her shoulder and eventually to her cheek. She kissed my palm while looking at me and licked her lips.

I leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back, very gently as if she was purposely holding back. I broke the kiss to ask if she was nervous and smiled when she shook her head. I gave her a quick kiss before leaning up to unbutton my shirt and dropping the shirt off the side of the bed. I kissed her, playing with the hem of her shirt and tugging at it now and then.

I detached my lips from her and a sound of protest escaped from them. “Don’t worry.” I whispered in her ear. Rikki bit her lip and followed my motion, leaning up and slipping her shirt up and over her head and started working on my belt.

Her hands shook, I think she was a bit nervous despite what she told me. I placed my hands over hers and eased the belt through each loop. Slowly, it came out and landed on the floor, when she started working on my jeans.

“Rikki,” I whispered and cupped her face, kissing her thin lips very gently and slipping my tongue between her lips. Her hands pulled on my jeans until they were down and I had done the same to hers. We dropped them off the side of the bed with the rest of the discarded clothes.
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I know i'm not so good at these types of scenes, so I don't really write them to often I'm sorry. I believe that I left off at a point where you can kinda figure whats gonna happen next. I'm allowing you guys to use this thing called "Your Imagination." Its a wonderful invention, you should really try it out.

Again, I'm sorry
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