Status: Depends on the comments I get :]

The Thoughts of One Moment

Chapter Two

Allison was waiting for me by the Café a couple days later. Mostly while we ate, I let her do the talking. I wasn’t in a very talkative mood and even if I was, I probably wouldn’t wanna talk to her. She always had a thing for telling people what to do. Though in my case, I was no exception.

Whether she was harping on my pictures, or how I had the weirdest taste in guys, or when she said I had wasted thousands of dollars putting myself through art school just to not make it as a photographer. That really got to me. Just because I didn’t take pictures like the others, didn’t quite mean that I wasn’t as good as them. Or did it? Mine weren't even “normal” by most standards.

My cell rung as we had just finished up and heading out the doors. “Rikki Bryant hired photographer speaking.” I said just in case it was a customer. “Oh, good, this is the right number.” A man's voice sounded relieved. “Excuse me.” I held a finger up for Allison who started ask who was calling. “I’ve heard good things about you, Rikki. About your pictures to be more specific.”

“Really? Who from?” I was wondering. “You know just around. People I run into everyday. So, I’m just gonna cut to the chase. I want you come in and show me what you’ve got. Bring your portfolio.”

“I’ll be there, just tell me where and when.” I let on a crocked smile. “7:30 bright and early on the 21st. At Skylight Pictures.” Click. I looked at the phone before closing it and stuffing it back inside my jacket pocket. “That was weird.” I cleared my throat. “The 5th, that’s your birthday.” Allison said like I didn’t already know. “So, I don’t plan on doing anything anyways.” I had to clear my throat again. Allison sighed.

We stopped by a Barns and Noble on the way to Allison's house. Allison needed to pick up a couple books for her study since she was still in college. After she had picked out the books she needed, we looked around.

“Oh my God, I haven’t read one of these in so long.” I picked up one of the comics of the shelf marked COMICS. “These are so cool.” Allison pretended to be happy. She wasn’t into comics like I use to be. She was the magazine type of person. So was I but c’mon, if I had to choose between a mag and comic, I’d choose the comic.

I placed the book back on the shelf and stepped back to get a better view of all of them, only I had stepped back to far, bumping into someone. “Oh, ah, s-sorry about that.” I apologized moving the hair out of my face.

“No problem.” He smiled at me. I bit my lower lip and turned back to the shelf. “What are you doing, he was cute?!” Allison questioned. “I didn’t really get a good look at him.” I started biting my lip again. “You should ask him out.” My eyes widened at the thought. “No, I really shouldn’t.” I said slowly. Walking towards the magazine rack.

Rolling Stone caught my eye, as well as Allison’s. She picked it up and pretended to kiss the cover. “I would give anything to meet them.” She referred to My Chemical Romance. I nodded and smiled along, wondering if that guy was still staring at me. I looked back. Good we were the only ones in the aisle.

I looked at the cover of the magazine right at the singer. The thought for this moment: If that would’ve happened with Gerard I don’t think I would be able to apologize let alone say anything that he’d comprehend.

Allison grabbed the magazines with them mentioned somewhere in the articles and cashed out.
As soon as we were out, she handed me the bag, claiming she had bought them for me. “There’s a good fifteen magazines in here, and you’re giving me them?” She nodded, crossing the St, leaving to study.
I went home and dropped the bag on my bed and sat crossed legged as I went through and read some of them. My cell rang again. It was a restricted call. I ignored it and set it down on my nightstand and continued reading the magazine that I had spotted in the store. The lamp coming on about thirty minutes later.
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