Status: Depends on the comments I get :]

The Thoughts of One Moment

Chapter Three

The grip on my case tightens as I stand in the elevator of the Skylight Pictures office building. My hair neatly straightened, brushed and parted on the right. My jeans brand new. A black tee underneath a black coat.

The doors open before my stop and someone comes on. They smile and say hi. I smile and begin bitting my lip. “Important meeting?” They asked. I look at them. “Is it obvious?” They shrug, telling me they can tell.

I lock my stare to a tile of the floor when the lift stops again. “Tenth Floor, this your stop?” I nodded and walked out, hearing the man wish me good luck.

I swallowed my stomach before knocking on Mr. Peters door. “Ah, Rikki Bryant, please come in. Have a Seat.” He greeted warmly. I smiled and seated myself in the chair across from his desk and waited for him to ask for my portfolio.

When he finally got around to checking it, I was more than happy to let him view it. I placed it on the desk as he rubbed his hands together, warming them. He opened the case and filed through each and every picture that was there.

As I waited for him to express to me what he thought, I started to involuntarily kneed my right thumb with my nails. Something I only did when I was extremely nervous.

I looked up when I heard him sigh heavily. Something can’t be wrong. These were excellent pictures. I was surprised at how well these were taken. Mr. Peters gently placed the folder with the photos down on his desk and linked his fingers.

“Ms. Bryant, these are exceptionally good, and I think that even some of our best photographers would appreciate them,” He started. “But...” I trailed, leaving it for him to finish. “Your style is a bit abstract, if you know what I mean. A tad on a dark note I think.”

“You don’t like them because they’re dark?” I questioned. “This is real stuff here. This isn’t the shitty sunshiny crap that you’re use to putting out so you’re rejecting them.” I retorted. “You’re an attractive woman. There’s no reason that you shouldn’t make it in the photography field. Just try not to be so depressing with your work.”

Depressing? I am not depressing. I packed my things, my case, my pictures and headed back down the ten floors I had traveled up for nothing.
My cell phone rang as I walked back down, Warren St. I looked at it, Allison was calling wanting to know all the details about the meeting and whether or not I was hired or even considered.

Another thing with Allison, she had to have every little detail of my life, be it my personal life or my professional career. It’s like she has to know what I do, just so she can tell me what I could be doing better.

I flip open my phone and right away I pull the phone away from my ear as a loud scream erupts from the tiny speakers. “What the hell is your problem, Allison?” I asked. “Guess what I just found out? Your favorite band’s gonna be in town.” I nodded. “Am I still suppose to guess?” I humored. “You’re a bummer.” She retorted. I shrugged and switched the folder with my photos to my left hand.

“Anyway, how’d the meeting go?” She probed. “Fine. I’m mean he only rejected my photo’s cause they were too ‘depressing.’” I rolled my eyes. “They rejected them. Aw, man, are you serious?” She asked. “No I just felt like being the bearer of bad news. Of course I’m serious!” I snapped. “Okay, okay, you don’t have to have an attitude. God.” Click.

I looked at the phone before stuffing it back into my pocket when my photos went flying out of my hand and scattered across the road. “Are you serious! Fuck.” I said to myself. A man in Rockefeller Park, painting for some reason looked back at me.

I walked over the paved road of River Terrance and started picking up the pictures one by one. The man must of felt sorry for me cause I noticed his black boots com into view. He heard me call myself an idiot cause he had to protest. I finished picking them up and caught him looking at some. I leaned up and quickly back down once I saw who it was. No fucking way, he can’t be in town.

I remember what Allison had told me, my favorite band was in town. Performing at Roseland was My Chemical Romance. And here looking at a couple of my photos was Gerard Way. The thought for this moment: Oh My God. This isn’t happening. No problem at all, just get my pictures back and walk away. No talking to him involved.

He handed me back my photos and I managed to get turned around when he asked me for my name. I scrunched up my face as I answered him. “How would you spell that?” He asked cutely. “R-i-k-k-i.” I spelled out for him. “That’s unique.” He smiled.

I smiled back and began biting my lip. “I’m Gerard. But you probably already knew that.” He chuckled a bit. I had to smile when I heard him laugh. “So what are you doing out here?” He asked bringing his legs together. “Coming back from a failed meeting. I was trying to get these published.”

“Trying?” He checked. I nodded. “And failing. They didn’t like ‘em. They were...too “depressing” for their... company or whatever.” I said feeling really bad all of a sudden. He attempted to come closer. “Are you okay?” Whatever happened to no talking to him involved?

I nodded and regained my composure. “Well that’s to bad. I really liked them. They were good.” He prided me. “Thanks, but um, I really should get going.” I said, trying to come up with some reason if he asked why. “Oh, okay, m-maybe I’ll see you later.” He stuttered.

Hopefully not. I smiled briefly before I turned around. “Hey, Rikki?” He called to me. I froze. “Yeah?” “I was wondering, would you like to have lunch, like, with me.” He couldn’t keep from giggling at himself. 
“No, tomorrow?”

“Uh, sure.” I smiled timidly. he returned it as I turned back around and rolled my eyes. Allison was gonna freak when I told her I had a date with Gerard Way
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so i'm hoping you guys get what this will be like so, should this be continued?
more comments=more updates.