Status: Depends on the comments I get :]

The Thoughts of One Moment

Chapter Nine

Allison went through her purse until she found the extra key to Rikki’s apartment. She quietly opened the door but froze when the door creaked. She continued pushing it open and gently rapped on Rikki’s bedroom door.

Turning the knob slowly and peering in, she saw Rikki’s poster covered walls and a messed up bed with someone lying in it. She squeezed the small opening she made for herself and crept over to her friends bed. “Rikki, wake up sleeping beauty.” She called.

I heard someone calling my name and tossed over. “Rikki.” The voice called again. “Wake up.” Leave me alone, people, god let me sleep. I tossed again when the person gently shook me.

My eyes shot open and laid upon Allison smiling brightly. “Happy birthday.” She cheered, placing her hands on her knees. “It’s not my birthday, it only the 5th-” I trailed, coming to realize the date. She laughed and sat on the bed. “Shut up, I’m tired.” I mumbled groggily. I rubbed my eyes of sleep and yawned into my hand. “If you were a real friend, Allison, you’d let me,” I paused to yawn. “sleep in.”

“And have you miss your birthday party. I don’t think so.” She said glimpsing at the posters on the wall. “I’m too old for birthday parties.”

“Not that kind of party.”

“You didn’t like, hire a male stripper did you?”

“Uh, no, we rented the 40/40 club.” She said. My mouth dropped. “Legit, how can you afford that place. It’s fucking expensive?” Allison just smiled and asked how come I had a shit load of mcr posters on my wall. “Cause I want them there now stop avoiding the question. How’d you get the money.” I probed more. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” She claimed.

I opened my mouth in protest when she told me to get dressed for shopping. “I hate shopping.”
“Well you need new clothes.” She sent plainly. She walked out of the room and waited for me in the living room. I am so utterly confused.

So were at the mall, going through countless stores looking for the perfect dresses for tonight’s “supposed” birthday party. Allison had suggested a few dresses, they were nice dresses to, but also the kind of dress I wouldn’t be caught dead in.

“How bout this one?” She said, holding up a little black number in front of me, picturing me wearing her suggestion. “Um, yeah no. I’m not wearing anything that’s short enough to see my ass.” I told her. She scoffed and put the dress back.

I rolled my eyes and went through the hangers, finding something that I really liked. I held it up in front of the mirror. “How about this?”I asked her. She obviously had a different since in style than me, but it couldn’t hurt to ask. “Oh, wow. That’d actually look good on you.” She said. I had no clue if that was a compliment or an insult. We cashed out, having bought the outfits, changing into them, and going to the 40/40.

“Rikki is that really you.” One of our friends asked. I recognized a few of them, but mostly from high school. “You look great.” I smiled when Heather hugged me lightly. Why does everybody feel the need to fucking hug. I mean for fuck’s sake, don’t fucking touch me.

“Is something wrong?” Heather asked. “Nothing a good drink won’t solve.” I stated. Hopefully it was true.

“Happy b-birthday Rikki.” Allison stammered over her drink. I laughed also being heavily under the influence. So much for a couple drinks. But fuck this place has amazing martinis.

I walked over to the bar,wanting needing another drink. I’m no alcoholic, I swear. “Another Lemon Martini Drop please.” I slurred, mixing up my words. “Make it double-make it a triple.” A guy walked up with a smirk.

“Are you tryin’ get me drunk.” I mumbled pushing him away. “No, just trying to get to know you better.” He claimed. “That’s what all people, guys, girls say-- What’s you name again?”
“Its Adam and you?” I let my mouth hang open a bit before he snapped me back. “What?” I asked taking a sip of my triple beverage.

“You were about to tell me your name.” I thought for a moment. “Its...Rikki. Rikki is my name!” I remembered. “So what’s the occasion?”

“Birthday, mine. Oh my god, my hair’s such a mess.” I ratted it making it worse. “Happy birthday, then.”

“Allison c’mere.” I whined. She couldn’t here me over the music. Some jamming music was playing. Oh my God, I loved this song. Adam gathered my attention again. “Whose Allison?”

“You dance wanna me? Pleasure now?” Adam laughed. I think I left a couple words out. “Uh sure.” He set mine and his martini’s down on the bar counter and let me lead him to the floor.

Sexy Bitch by David Guetta was playing. Allison eyed me from across the floor but Adam distracted me to much. He was so hot that I was surprised I didn’t like maul him or something. I might’ve though, I can’t remember.

Half way through the song, Adam whispered something in my ear, sound like another language. He grabbed my hand and led me into the Cognac Lounge, we were completely alone. “Were are we going. That’s my song.”

“We can still hear it. I thought you’d like a little more privacy.” He snaked his arms around my waist. “Woah, woah w-wait. I have a boyfriend.” I said once he started to kiss my neck. Gerard was my boyfriend right? What do you call someone who kisses you like that.

“hmm.” He moaned. “Don’t.” I told him when he bit me. That’d leave a mark. “Come on baby, you know you want this.” He said, kissing hard on my lips. I started kissing him back but fell back onto one of the couches.

He climbed over me and went to kiss, grinding himself into me. His hand slowly traveling up my thigh. “Don’t, d-don’t touch me like that.” I said swatting his hand away. “Why not?” He kissed me again. “I thought things were going so well.” He said. “N-n-no. I wanna, I-I wanna stop.” I said. “No, you don’t honey,” He said, leaning up and unbuckling his belt.

Once I realized what he was doing, I covered my eyes. “Oh my God, no” I said feeling my cheeks growing flushed. Adam scoffed and refastened his belt. “You fucking bitch. Give me a call when you come to your senses.” He threw a piece of paper with his name and number at me.

I stuffed the paper in my purse for some reason and watched him leave, to try and trick another girl to coming in here. I walked back to the bar, grabbed my jacket off the chair and left. So much for a happy birthday. I'll have a better time somewhere else.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thats pretty sad to me, so please if your reading, tell me what you think of it so far. Thank you to the ones who do comment. xoxo