My Chemical Pencey Prep

Joint story by IWannaSaveYourHeart and xx_outlaw_xx

Imagine if one day, your parents told announced you had to change school. They didn't ask you, just told you. And what's more, you had to move to a new suburb.

For Cassie, Courtney and Erin, things couldn't be worse. Moving meant leaving behind their schools, neighbours, friends, and most importantly, their social lives.

For Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob, things weren't so bad. This change meant leaving their old lives, and the chance to start afresh, something they were all grateful for.

What will happen when they all meet?

The school they were destined for was Pencey Prep, a brand new high school. What will happen in a school full of mean girls and jocks?

Quite a lot really.

Love and friendship grow between the frequent fighting and detentions, and 8 unlikely people.

Together they get through sudden deaths, deep depression, mean girls and heartless jocks, love, camp-outs, and strange hippy-fests.

Or can they?
  1. A New Beginning
    The First Day Of Pencey Prep High
  2. Maybe this isn't so bad?
    That afternoon
    keyboard Fight and Secrets
  4. The Great Camping Adventure
    Camping by the lake.
  5. Strip Poker
    Frank WANTS To Strip, BUT Dose Anyone Else (You gotta leave comments, kay)
  6. Teh Fro
    Comments are nice...