As the Clock Strikes Twelve

Chapter 1

I smiled down at the small journal entry I had just written before shutting the book of my past emotions. It was a cool September night. A night were you could smell the end of summer nearing and beginning of fall arising. It was also, unfortunately, the night before another year of high school began.
I laid the book aside and fell back, my head falling on the soft pillows on my bed. When I was just about to relax, I heard a knock on my bedroom’s door. I got up with a sigh and, reluctantly, walked slowly toward the door. As I peeked around the block of swinging wood, I saw my sister, Daine, standing in a flowing lilac night gown pacing up and down the hallway outside my door.
“What’s up?” I asked as I opened the door wider, curiosity replacing apprehension of a good night’s sleep.
She turned around quickly throwing her long dark-brown hair in all different directions, her bright green eyes flashing from the end of the hallway to me. When I saw her expression, I was dumbstruck. Her eyes showed fear and anger while her month was pulled into a thin, angry line.
Someone is grumpy, I thought to myself sarcastically. But, before I could say anything, she swiftly moved from her spot to my room in a blink of an eye.
“What the hell!” I said as she pushed me away from the door and locked it.
“Werewolves were spotted no less than two miles away from here,” she said in a hushed sing-song voice.
I nodded in response, because like her, I didn’t want to run into some werewolf or more than one. Besides, I have a big day tomorrow (complete bullshit).
She walked over to my balcony and closed the sliding door, and drew the curtains. When she picked up my journal, I ran over and grabbed it.
I flashed her a look and she put her hands up in defense, “There is no reason for you to be so rash toward me, Suzanna.”
“As if you don’t deserve it,” I scolded.
She smirked and sat down on the couch.
After a few minutes of silence I snorted, as an intense horrible smell entered the room.
“Ew,” I said through my teeth.
Daine wrinkled her nose and a hissing nose came from her chest.
“I think they’re closer then I was informed. We should leave here now and give them a run for their money,” she suggested bitterly.
I shook my head in disagreement, “That wouldn’t be wise.”
“Then we take what we need so it will be,” Daine said, not caring in the slightest about how I feel towards the whole situation.
I obliged for once for the thought of killing one those beasts brought a smile to my face.
She nodded and smiled a little at my response.
My sister and I were outcasts in our city for many years until it industrialized. Many elderly and religious groups here still believe in the legends that were told before science actually became fundamental. So, many of them believe if you have bright, or even just green eyes, you were a “monster from the fiery pits of hell!” (You got to love their descriptions and active use of imagery!) With that, they believe we are witches or some shit and threaten us, tease us, and other un-useful things. Unfortunately, they got us all wrong. We are vampires, not witches. So, to their disappointment, they can’t redeem us with their awesome use of long-ass speeches unless they want to bore us to death. Sorry!
I sighed as the horrid smell grew stronger and walked over to the massive mirror that hung on my wall. I quickly slide part of it and on the other side was a silver door with a number pad. I punched in the numbers and opened the door where it revealed the spacey room inside. I took a step up and then jumped down the 10 stairs leading down to the tiled floor where I landed on my feet gracefully like always. Oh, I loved that one part of being the creature I am.
Daine pushed me aside and grabbed two guns and a belt full of tiny daggers off the surrounding walls full of weapons. She slipped the belt around her thigh and put the two guns into the patches of another she had gotten from an island in the middle of the room on her hip. She threw a sword at me, blade facing me. I moved to the side and caught it by its hilt.
“You might want these too,” she said as she threw two fans at me
I caught both of them and inspected them by spreading them apart to reveal the bright colors of neon and the blade they held before responding, “Why so much?”
She looked at me with a glint of an emotion I couldn’t read.
“We should leave now,” she said as she looked away from me as quickly as she could as she punched in numbers to another door that led to the balcony outside my window. She walked out and quickly jumped up and over the railing. When she reached the ground, she looked up. I followed as fast as I could with a sight sigh as my only sign of protest.
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xxnewmoonxx (: