Earth on Hell

Jett, Sarah, Ben, Sean, Seth, Jen, and Lynn. All are the seven sins, the seven DEADLIEST sins, known to man.
Each of the Seven Sins have a little description...

Jett (17 yrs)- Lust: He's shameless, blatant, and impure, but DAMN how we admire him. He probably thinks about sex every few seconds. Punishment in Hell- Smothered in fire and brimstone, not kisses.

Sarah (17)- Greed: She's avaricious and totally materialistic. She should probably be very careful with what she wishes for... eventually, it will be more than she can handle. Punishment in Hell: Boiled in the finest oil.

Ben (16)- Gluttony: He's a hungry idiot constantly craving more than he needs.He was probably "weened improperly as an infant." Punishment in Hell: Force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.

Sean (16)- Sloth: He's lazy, apathetic, and dreary. He probably spends far too many hours sitting on his ass procrastinating. Punishment nad Hell: Thrown into snake pits.

Seth (17)- Pride: He's narcissistic, arrogant and believs he can do no wrong. He probably gets a high from helping people, but we know it's just for his own greater good. Punishment in Hell: Broken on the wheel.

Jen (16)- Envy: She's a selfish, jealous fool, longing for what others have that she doesn't. She probably doesn't realize all her good qualities and pities herself daily. Punishment in Hell: Put in freezing water.

Lynn (18)- Wrath: He's mean, hateful and angry at the world. He'd probably like to take out a few thousand people because they irritate him so much. Punishment in Hell: Dismembered.

Although I didn't come up with these on my own, I still find them great descriptions. My personal favorites are Sarah and Jett. These teens are SO STUPID, much like us, and I hope we all find joy in reading their stupidity.