Red Hair And Mistakes

Another nightmare

2 years later
Garret sits anxiously in the waiting room. The whole atmosphere raises his tension. Four, cat vomit colored walls and inside, rows of faded old brown chairs, and the most ugly floral artwork he has ever seen displayed.
Hours and hours of waiting and it’s enough to drive a levelheaded man go insane. Just as Garrets about to barge in the delivery room and see what’s happening, two white clean nurses come out with an Indian man who appears to be the doctor. Garret holds his breath when he sees their grim expressions. “Are they ok, what’s going on?” The doctor looks Garret in the eyes and says “I’m afraid there have been a few complications during the procedure.” Garret sucks in his breath and covers his mouth with his hand, he takes a second and runs the same hand through his straight black locks. “Are they going to be alright?” The doctor breaks eye contact and avoids Garrets hopeful stare. This is enough to answer his question, but the doctor goes on “I’m sorry to say we lost them both, the baby and your wife. There’s nothing that we could’ve done. They both lost large amounts of blood and…” The doctor is then interrupted by Garret’s hand gripping on to his collar and shoving him into a small table with a vase. The vase falls shattering it, and with that Garret screams in the mans face, “Don’t you dare tell me couldn’t save them! They were mine and you killed them! You BASTERED!!” The nurses and what can be presumably called guards came in to get Garret off the doctor, and escort him out of the building. Two of the four guards drag him out kicking and screaming, while a small nurse follows.
The guards drop him outside and leave him to huddle in a ball, slamming his head against the brick wall. He cries out Anna’s name and then feels a small dainty hand on his knee. He looks up with glassy eyes and is disappointed to see it’s only the nurse. He brings his head down again and tries to hush his urge to scream “Why?” The nurse then puts her hand on his back and strokes it “I’m sorry Mr. Lockhart, I’m sorry.” But it’s useless to say because his cry of sorrow drowns out her voice.
Garret’s eyes flutter and he wakes up panting and wet with sweat. He tries to calm himself down and tell himself it was only a dream, a very bad dream, or more of a nightmare.
For the past 2 years he has frequently had the same dream. Garret never saw Anna again after that rainy day. He called and checked her house but she was never there, her mother said she ran away, and she let her because what Anna did brought reproach to her family. Needless to say Anna’s mother never told him anything further because she saw him as the father of her daughters sin.

Garret often wondered what became of his long-time girlfriend and their baby. Did she think about him? Does the baby look more like him or it’s mother? Would he ever see his child? Are they even alive?
All these questions nagged him at a daily basis. He knew he might never see them again, so as soon as he could he moved to a place that brought him “closer” to Anna even if they weren’t physically together.
He moved to Seattle WA. The place Garret and Anna often dreamed about. They made plans to move there when they both turned 18. Anna loved it for the rain and Garret just liked the idea of being at the birthplace of his many musical idols, it was a long-time dream ever since they meet, and Garret just had to make the dream real. Deep in his darkest thoughts he also did it because he knew if Anna were to go anywhere, it would be Seattle. The chance at seeing her was what kept him moving, because after all even if she left him, he still loved her.

Garret throws the covers off of him and sits in bed preparing himself for the hard day he’s bound to have at work.

He goes to his dresser and looks for something suitable to wear, he ends up with black jeans, a navy colored- long sleeved shirt, black boots, black leather vest, and because of the consistent rain a black trench coat. He goes to the bathroom and realizes he’s forgotten to shave. Oh well he thinks to himself I don’t have the time. After more careful scrutiny he decides he looks like an evil villain, all he needs is a scar on his face across his eyes. I guess I’ll work on getting a scar then. He then constricts his eyes and brings his brows together to make himself more menacing. After playing the par of super villain he checks his watch, Damn, I’m late. He hurries to the parking lot of his condo complex, to avoid getting wet, which is near to impossible, and finds his 92’ Toyota Camry, the joke of the whole city. He then checks his refection one more time in the rearview mirror and pulls out of the parking lot.
Tell me a sweet dream