Red Hair And Mistakes

The Color I Like Best

When he arrives Garret’s boss is red in the face and that vain on his forehead pops out, a clear sigh that his boss is angry and stressed. Great Garret thought. His boss, Moe, rushes to Garret and in his English accent says,
“where the hell were you, playing hopscotch? O my God, you look like a freaking bum. Bah I don’t have time for this. Look there-”
Moe points to a small group of people, laughing and singing.
“That’s this months photo shot. It’s a rising local band and we have to finish their story by next week. Now you better take bloody good pictures or I’ll have you fired. I’m not having this again Garret!”
Garret takes another look at the band; they seem so excited and happy, a pretty content looking band. Garret has seen this before; they all come in fresh, bright eyed and bushy-tailed, then soon after managers, stress, and drug dealers have their way with those young fresh bands, their not so happy and content.
Garret smiles to himself, thinking he’s seen it all, even when he hasn’t. He then turns to Moe and say,
“I’ll have the shot, and you know I always satisfy, it’s why I’m still here.”
Moe raises an eyebrow giving him that “look”, and although Moe thinks to himself cocky kid, he knows Garret is right. Garret is the best in the business, he always manages to get great shots and he is able to relate and get the best out of every band he works with.

Garret approaches the band and introduces himself; they in return do the same.
“So what’s the name of your band?” In unison all four-band members say
“Pathetic Obsessions.” This catches Garrets attention. “Ha, Is there a story behind that?” The lead singer, Jared, speaks up.
“Yeah. In our hometown, there was this older woman who painted the faces of anyone who came in, on the walls of this coffee shop. When Jamie and I asked her why she simply said, it’s my pathetic obsession.’” The drummer who was also the only girl in the band, finishes Jared’s story,
“When we left I told Jared, that’s a great name for a band, and he was like yeah lets start one just to use the name. He was being sarcastic then, but..” The bass player hiding in the back interrupts and says, “So you could say that’s how we became a band too.” Garret smiles as an idea pops in his head.
“Thanks for talking to me, you guys gave me a really good idea. I was thinking that we cover all of you in paint and as a background we use a coffee shop. You see I believe pictures say more then the actual article, Moe will deny it but most people go straight for the pictures when they get a magazine, and I think the shot will be something all of you will be comfortable with doing.”
All of them talk excitedly amongst themselves. Jared says,
“Yeah man I like it, I think we all do.”
Garret feels a rush of success when it is then interrupted by Jamie’s intense stare. Garret feels awkward at first but then he notices how her hair is the same soft red as Anna’s was. He smiles and she approaches him in a seductive cat-like way and says,
“so what colored am I going to be painted?” Garret smiles to himself and then to Jamie.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Jamie grins reveling a nice white smile, she then shoves her hand in her pocket and pulls out a Sharpie and writes her number on Garret’s hand. “Call me when you decide, but just as a heads up, I like red.” Garret laughs and says
“Me too.” And with that Pathetic Obsessions leaves the building.

His name was Mr. Lawrence, but everybody in the building called him Louie. He’d always like to think of himself as the best doorman in the city. Why, once he even delivered a baby on the lobby floor. Yep, Louie loved his job; there was always some sort of drama or action going on. But, today for Louie it was a pretty boring day; he opened doors, greeted people, and occasionally helps carry groceries.
Just as Louie was about to punch out his time card, a young woman with a small child, no older then 2 came in. The young woman and the child had soft red hair, the woman had topaz colored eyes, Louie has never seen eyes like hers. And the child had big blue eyes with rosy pink cheeks to complete her baby doll-like look.
“How can I help you Miss?”
The woman looked startled and afraid, she covered the child’s face with her hand, and looked over at Louie.
“Yes, um does Garret Lockhart live in this building?”
Louie gives a big warm smile and says,
“Yes, ma’am, would you like his room number? I can buzz you up if you wait, Garret’s at work right now.”
The woman looks around, as if she’s thinking, and bites her bottom lip,
“NO. Um… I would like to have his room number, but please don’t tell him I came by.”
Louie could tell the girl was in trouble, she was no older then 18 and she had a kid. Louie couldn’t help but feel obligated to take them under his wing.
“Ma’am are you all right. Are you in trouble or something?”
The woman looks down at her feet then at her child.
“Um…I-I don’t know.”
Louie felt sorry for the girl, but he was just an old man. What could he do?
“Well ma’am, I was just going out to meet my wife for tea and coffee, would you and your little girl like to come?” The woman smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“That would be nice.”
“They call me Louie, and you are?”

Red: energy, strength, anger, sexuality, passion, ego, fear