Red Hair And Mistakes

So We Meet Again

Garret looks himself over in the mirror. He scrunches his nose and is appalled by his own appearance. God I do look like a bum. He strokes his chin to feel the stubble; he really needed to shave, unless he wanted a beard, or a mustache, or maybe a goatee. He considers the goatee for a moment. He searches for his new razor; Moe bought it for him and said he needed to keep a more comely appearance. Garret brings the razor to his face and starts to wonder if Moe would consider a goatee comely. He shaves a small section on his cheek then begins to wonder if he’s doing it right. After a few more swipes and nicks, he finishes it off. Not bad, not you. After wiping the blood from his face, he puts toilet paper pieces on the nicks and scrapes. He then starts to consider what Anna would think of his new look. Would she say he looked handsome, or utterly ridiculous?
He didn’t know, most likely she would say “it’s not you”, that was the way Anna was she never gave a straight answer about anything. Was it a sign of insecurity? No, Garret didn’t think so. Has that part of her changed?

Garret combs is black mangy looking hair. He was growing quite fond of his medium length hair that reached his earlobe. It was wild and around his face a bit, but it didn’t bother him. Girls complimented it all the time, along with his bright blue eyes; but deep down inside he didn’t care of their approval, just Anna’s.

Garret descends down the stair to the living room and finds Kyle sitting on the couch watching TV.
“When did this happen?”
Garret takes the lounge chair close to the television. When Kyle turns to answer him his gaze turns into a stare.
“What the hell?”
Garret strokes his chin feeling self-conscious.
Kyle continues to gape at Garret’s face.
“Your face!”
Kyle starts to laugh going near the verge of hysteria. Garret summons enough pride and desire to justify himself.
“I just thought I needed a change, I think it looks fine.”
Kyle’s smile suddenly turns straight and he becomes serious.
“It’s not that, you look like a cat attack your face. Dude do you know how to shave? Is that why you always have stubble?”
Garret smirks.
“Har, har. Just tell me how you got the TV hooked up.”
Kyle stands up and bows, “first you must tell me I’m the electric God, and I am too hott for words and ladies love my boys.”
Garret chuckles “you didn’t hook it up did you?”
Kyle raises his right eyebrow, testing Garrets wits.
Kyle sits down and goes on as if nothing happened. Garret starts to watch the screen and notes how great the color is; Kyle wouldn’t notice this though, since he is colorblind. When Garret would mock him, Kyle would respond immaturely by saying Garret could only see color because he is a woman.

Garret smiles to himself and hears the doorbell; he looks through the peep whole and sees his first love and child. He runs near the couch and starts to jump up and down while taking the toilet paper of his face.
“What in Gods name are you doing? Do you have to piss or something, because we got a bathroom.”
Garret continues to jump and tries to finish taking off the endless pieces of TP and answers breathlessly saying
“Anna, Anna, and my- my kid. Anna’s here.”
Kyle jolts up and slaps Garret.
“Get a hold of yourself… ha ha ha I always wanted to do that.”
Garret slaps him in return, “Shut up and help me out.”
Kyle jumps up and down with Garret not knowing what exactly to do. The doorbell rings once more and Garret shoves Kyle upstairs to his room. Garret reaches for the doorknob, trembling.
Garret knew she was there, he just found it hard to believe.
“Hello Garret.”