
One of one

Take my hand tonight,
We can run so far,
We could change the world,
To anything we want..

~(His POV)~
"Guys, I gotta make it back there." I say as I pace the floor as I look for my things to throw in the small suitcase. As I've been doing regularly I checked the clock: 6:45. The plane takes off at eight. It lands at the airport at 11:30, and I've still got to find a ride to the house. Oh, geez. I ran a hand through my curls.

"Stop worrying," one of my older brothers said, "Just as long as we get there in time, you'll be fine." Then he chuckles.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," he replies. "Just don't get swarmed."

I sigh, of course he would be making jokes and thinking about that kind of thing at a time like this. That would be all I need, being swarmed by people and paps. I rolled my eyes. Grabbing the remainder of what I need from the bathroom. I shove it into the small carry-on, grab a jacket and hat, and Joseph and I took off out of the room.

As we set out into the cold of the afternoon, I wonder what could be going on and how her Christmas morning went. I wondered if she missed me, but soon that thought was knocked out of my head as I get into the driver's seat of my car and take to the road towards the airport.


"Bye, Joe." I smile at him warmly.

"Merry Christmas, little bro." He smiles back and hops into my side of the car as I walk in to find my departure gate. I check my phone: 7:12. Looking around, I notice that there aren't many people here. Good, that will give me some time, I suppose. I walked down the aisle towards the detectors and security gates and stood in line behind a few others who were wearing their Christmas best.

I smile to myself.

~(Her POV)~

I sat in our room, unattended by my anyone at the Christmas party I was hosting, just thinking of things to do over the break that would get my mind off of missing him. At least it didn't last long and I would be back in classes before I knew it for the new semester.

"Don't worry," he had said, I'll be home for Christmas. You know I can't be separated from you that long." And then he smiled at me.

Yeah, right. I mean a girl could hope, but still with all that he has going on, it wasn't likely. My mind starts to wander as I think of last year with it's warmth and comfort. Why did this year have to be so different? I thought this Christmas would be okay, even though I wouldn't have him around.

My phone vibrates, I look at the front of the beat-up, red Krazer as it read that it held a now unread text. Flipping the top open, I saw that it was from him.

Merry Christmas, angel. : ] it read.

I smile down at the thing and even though I don't know where exactly he is, I could still feel the warmth that he always gives. I wonder where he could be at this exact moment too. If he could feel the warmth that I wanted him to feel. He could be over in Europe for all I know. I wonder if he had a good Christmas with Joseph.. I don't think to ask at all.

Merry Christmas to you too. I reply.

As soon as I sent the message away, a figure emerged in the door of the room.

"Are you okay?" asks Damyn, my gal pal through and through.

I smile. "Perfectly fine, why?"

"Just thought I'd ask," then looks down as if in thought, "C'mon, I know you're missing him, but it's break and you're hosting a Christmas party in your apartment and you're not even out there to enjoy it. What's wrong with you?" she laughs.

I chuckle. "I don't know, it's different without him here is all."

"Well of course it's going to be different, but you shouldn't let that get you down."

I nod as she stands up and holds out her elbow. I chuckle, stand up and link arms with her and we walk down the small hallway to the group of friends that awaits us with a promise of Christmas sugar cookies.

And even though we're miles and miles apart,
You're still holdin' onto my heart,
Promise it will never be dark..

~(His POV)~

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I board the plane. Funny, I hadn't even noticed that it went off. I pull it out, sit down, and see that there was a new text.

Merry Christmas to you too.

No cheeriness whatsoever, now I know she was missing me, yet still I knew she was trying to be happy. The fact is, I miss her too, and hopefully I'll make it back in time to show her that I really do always want to be there. Maybe she already knows that, I don't know.

"Please turn off all phones and electronics," a voice says over the speaker system. "We're about to take off." That's when I realize it was one of the flight attendants and she came walking by to check the luggage of the people here. I quickly turn off the Blackberry in my hand and shove it back in the pocket of my jeans.

As soon as that job was finished, I hear belt buckles snap shut and I, myself, do the same. Not any later than ten minutes I suppose, we take off of the ground. My ears pop on the way up to cruising altitude and I swallow to clear them. I chuckle to myself, I always sort of find that funny.

I look out the window at the street lights of the great city that Joe had bought an apartment in. Nice neighborhood, thankfully, and now that I'd had a very well deserved rest and visit at his place, I head back home. I start to think of things I could do when I arrived. Maybe I would really surprise her.

~(Her POV)~

I smile as I watch the last person leave my apartment for the night. Damyn would be back tomorrow for a movie day, just us girls. I haven't gotten a phone call yet from him but I just shrug it off and tell myself he was either sleeping or just plain busy.

I walk back into the living room-type area and realize that it was quite lonely here without anyone. I sigh, stack a few plates, put them next to the sink, dump some cups of soda down the drain, and set them down as well. I walk back into what was now an empty room that has a lit Christmas tree in the corner and the radio on playing Christmas music.

I smile as I hear the first starting notes of piano through the speakers. "Dear Santa, I wrote you a letter. I wonder if you ever read it. I've only one wish that I ask you. It's the same old thing as every other year." Sang a very talented Marie Digby.

I start to sing along and somewhat dance my way down the hallway, back to the bedroom. I laugh at the thought of how I must look. Opening the second drawer from the top of my dresser, I pull out a pair of flannel pants and a short sleeve shirt. Quickly I get myself changed and pull a sweatshirt over my head. I grab a blanket off of the bed and make my way back to where the origin of the music was.

I turn it up as I hear, "Please Come Home For Christmas" by Lonestar. Oh how perfectly I it fit in. I sit down on the couch and look at the clock on the wall and see that it is already eleven. Ugh, I suppose if I don't want to be in a mood, I might want to get some sleep.

I would give it all,
Never let you fall..
I would give it all,
Just to show you I'm in love..

~(His POV)~

Touchdown on the runway, I knew because I had felt the pop in my ears on the way down. I hadn't been able to sleep at all the whole flight. I started to get even more anxious than I had been, I was that much closer to seeing her. I checked my watch: 11:15. I smiled, we were landing sooner than planned.

As soon as the plane skidded to a stop, I unbuckle, pull out my suitcase, and walk down the aisle of the plane. As I walk into the terminal, I realize, that I don't have a ride still. I turn back on my cell and look through my contacts. James. Perfect, he'll still be up.

I press the call button on my phone and place it to my ear. "Hey, James." I say as he picks up. "Could you do me a favor? I don't have my car and I need to be picked up from the airport." I listen as he states that he'll be right over. I smile and thank him and we hang up.


After waiting about fifteen minutes for him to come, I load my bag and myself into his car.

"Hey there," he smiles, "Merry Christmas. If you would call it that with how late it is."

I chuckle. "Yeah, I'd still call it Christmas."

He pulled the car out of park and started out of the parking lot of the airport. I didn't even have to give him directions this time, he drove us straight to the house. As soon as he parks in front of the building, I pull my bag out of the backseat and thank him for the ride. I make my way to the door and turn the knob and walk into the first hall and walk up the stairs to the door that holds my home.

I pull the key out of my pocket and stuff it into the knob. I turn it quietly and walk into my apartment to see the glow of the television and a Christmas special on. I chuckle and set down my bag and I walk over to see her sleeping on the couch. I look at the clock: 11:55.
I smile, looks like I just made it in time.

I walk around and crouch down onto the balls of my feet in front of her and rub her shoulder with my hand. "I'm home, angel."

She stirs a small amount and I see her eyes open. "Nick?" she says quietly.

"Hi, I'm home for Christmas," I look at the clock, "With five minutes to spare." I chuckle.

She smiles sweetly. "Glad to hear it, I was beginning to worry about that."

"Don't worry, I told you that I'd be home. Merry Christmas." I place my hand on her cheek.

"Merry Christmas." she says as I kiss her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, not very good.
Er, at least I don't think so, but Merry Christmas for those whom I didn't say it to. ^_^
Love you all.

- Juliet

P.S. Comments are lovely.