Status: finished ; )

Under the Mistletoe

Look At What We Have Here!

Becca sighed and scanned the room over once more. Everyone was smashed and fumbling around. It was supposed to be a formal Christmas party for everyone at the recording studio; even the bands that were recording this month were invited. But some genius had decided to pop the bubbly and now it was all downhill. All the stumbling and slurred words were fun to watch, but Becca knew tomorrow would bring hell and hangovers.

“Becca, baby! How many classes of champagne is that for you?” Gina giggled and leaned heavily on Becca’s side. Becca clutched the flute in her hand as she tried to steady Gina. They were so-called best friends, even though Gina liked to dish drama gossip every morning, even if it was about Becca.

“My first and only,” Becca forced a smile before taking a sip from her glass. Her answer made Gina giggle more and shake her head.

“It’s fucking Christmas Becca! You’re supposed to get drunk and then wake up with one of these dashing rockstars in the bed next to you.” There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she started to eye one of the band boys across the room. Becca rolled her eyes and tried biting her tongue.

“That’s how you like to spend Christmas, dear. I tend to lean more toward a nice dinner and a warm fire with my book.” Becca biting her tongue doesn’t work that well. Gina groaned and pulled away from Becca, straightening herself up.

“God, Becca. You’re so fucking boring.” It took her longer than it should have to get the sentence out. Then her eyes widened and she covered her mouth as she apparently found something funny. “It’s a no wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Yep, it’s a no wonder. Hey Gin, that boy over there has been staring at you since you walked over here.” Becca tilted her head over to the poor kid she was trying to pawn Gina off on. Gina squealed before quickly tip toeing over to him without even a wave to Becca.

Becca sighed with relief as she watched Gina attach to him. He didn’t seem to mind, but then Becca guessed he was probably just as wasted as Gina was. Becca shook her head and then turned to leave, figuring she could sneak out the back without anyone noticing, but she didn’t make it. She knocked into someone and winced as the last bit of her champagne splashed all over his simple white shirt.

“Oh, I am so sorry.” Becca bit her bottom lip and brought her apologetic eyes up. There was a soft smile that curved on her lips as she recognized him. She’d seen him around the studio here and there with the rest of his band mates. He had gorgeous brown eyes that sparkled when he had a guitar in his hands. She liked his smile the best. It was crooked and brilliant.

“It’s alright.” He chuckled and smiled down at her. “Just a shirt,” he shrugged. He’d noticed her a few times too. She was usually too busy running around the studio for him to even try to talk to her. He’d actually been coming to start a conversation before she’d turned around and spilt the drink on him.

“But it’s a white shirt and that’s probably going to stain.” She grimaced as her eyes darted back down to his shirt. “I might be able to snitch an extra shirt from Tristan if you want. He’s usually got at least five in his ‘cave’. Apparently he’s more creative when he’s shirtless.” She was rambling.

“It’s fine, really. Watch this,” he took the bottom of his black leather jacket in his hands and zipped it up halfway. “Now you can’t even see it.” He looked back up at her and she laughed.

“Very true,” she nodded and then covered her mouth at an attempt to keep in her giggles. “It looks just as good.” Her cheeks quickly flushed at her own words. He, however, smiled wider. “I mean, you look good.” Her eyes widened and she looked horror stricken. She couldn’t figure out exactly what it was about him that just made her babble. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He liked how embarrassed she was over something so simple. “I haven’t gotten a compliment like that in quite a while.” He wasn’t technically lying, not by his standards anyway. Tons of girls called him gorgeous all the time, but mostly that was just cause he was famous. She meant it, even if she didn’t mean to say it.

“I find that hard to believe.” She muttered, mortified still. Becca moved her eyes around the room, hoping to keep her mouth shut by distracting herself from the man in front of her. He chuckled lowly and took the chance to stare at her. Her high cheek bones and bright green eyes were stunning, but he decided it was her cute button nose that he adored the most.

“Oh, look at what we have here!” The voice was a little too loud and the grin a little too goofy. Someone’s just a lot drunk, Becca thought to herself as she turned her attention to the blond guy who’d approached them. “Someone’s under the mistletoe!” He sang and twirled the piece of mistletoe he was holding above their heads.

“Mike, get out of here.” The Champagne man, as Becca kindly named him, groaned and shoved his friend lightly. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed and Becca’s turn to smile and find it cute.

“Not till you kiss her,” he sang again and Champagne rolled his eyes with a sigh. Finally he turned to her with an odd expression.

“He’s not going to stop.” He informed her in a whisper with a bit of regret. His friends were relentless, which most of the time he didn’t mind and was so himself. But tonight, at this moment, he was wishing Mike hadn’t spotted him from across the room.

She leaned in toward him, and whispered right back. “I guess you better kiss me then.” A sudden burst of confidence, that’s what she told herself. But that’s all it was, a sudden burst. That’s why she blushed profusely after she straightened back up and gave him a small, shy smile.

“I guess I better.” He liked the sudden burst, and found the shy smile afterward adorable. He took a step closer, ignoring his best friend’s stupid laugh. He smiled, honestly, and placed one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her neck. Becca was shocked and scared.

A small gasp escaped from her as he slowly leaned in and her eyes fluttered closed. His lips brushed against hers, warm and soft. Irresistible was the one word they both thought at the slight touch. And then he kissed her. A full on, passionate kiss that made Becca’s knees go weak and made her thankful for his hands that held her up. There was also something there that made him clutch at her like she was his last breath of air.

Neither one noticed the yelling, whistling, nor clapping until Mike patted him on the back. He didn’t want to, but he pulled away from her with a little frustration. Both would have loved to stay in the moment, but it was gone.

“Alright! Who’s next for the mistletoe?” Mike yelled as he turned around toward the crowd, still holding the little bush of mistletoe above his head. Everyone laughed and went back to their previous conversations.

“I’m Becca, by the way.” She couldn’t help the wide smile that was firmly on her lips. It was almost a manic kind of smile.

“Billie Joe.” His smile was identical to hers. He couldn’t stop thinking that something about the kiss just felt right. She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “What do you say to ditching this place and going to dinner?” He couldn’t let her go, not without trying. She seemed different and he liked it. And damn, that kiss, he thought as he waited anxiously for her response.

“I say we can’t get out of here fast enough.”
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I think it's cute : ) it's my first green day fanfic, so I'm a hoping it's not major suck-ish, and I hope you enjoy it dearly love.
Happy Christmas!