Status: To be honest, I have no clue when I'm going to update next. Been busy/distracted. :'[

The Intake of Glass.

quickest shower in existance.

When he called me for the first time in 3 years, I yelled at him. I was an angry 15 year old girl, full of raging hormones. I let him know exactly how I felt. I told him he ripped my heart in two.

I told him I didn't care about him anymore, and he sat there silent the whole time.

"So you don't want to see me this weekend?" He asked, sounding dissapointed.

"Of course I do!" I answered, excited, forgetting completely what I'd said just a few seconds before.

"Good, because I miss you a lot Aiden." He spoke, making my heart melt. I took in a huge gasp of air, willing to stop the tears that were already headed down my cheeks. I choked on my words, not knowing if I could speak.

"I miss you Spencer..." I let out, my words cracked and filled with misery. I heard him sigh from the other end of the line. I could tell he was crying as well.

"I miss you too Aiden." He said again, but this time his voice sounded just as bad as mine was.

The weekend took too long to come that week. Friday was the worst. I eyed the clock in each of my classes, wishing it would move fast enough for Spencer to be with me, and then it could just stop, so I'd never have to say good bye. During my last period, I did everything I could to stop myself from exploding with impaitence and excitement. I doodled all over my books, covering each millimeter in something.

When the bell did ring, I ran out of the classroom, forgetting all my things. My teacher called me back in, and when I heard my name being called, I realized what I'd done. I blushed, turning around. All the other kids in my class laughed at me as I rushed back in, grabbing everything, and running out once again.

Exiting the school, I headed towards the parking lot, fumbling with my keys. I'd gotten my permit recently.

"Aiden?" I heard a familiar voice, but one that had grown into something a lot more masculine than I'd remembered. I looked up quickly, gasping at what, or who, stood before me.

"Spencer!" I squealed loudly, not caring if the entire school was watching me. I jumped forward, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. His arms pulled me closer, his face burying itself into my neck. I giggled as I felt his long hair tickling my back. It looked like he hadn't gotten it cut in a while; it sat just at his shoulders, wavy and unkept. But I loved it. "You've gotten so tall!"

He laughed, pulling away to look at me. I smiled brightly at him, placing my hands on either side of his face. "And you've developed amazing cheekbones boy. You should model. Screw all this genuis crap."

"You have no idea how many people have suggested that, and my answer is always the same. No." My thumbs ran along his cheekbones, underneath his eyes, and anywhere I could touch. "Are you done inspecting my face? You're not blind you know." He smiled, amused.

"You're just so, different. I need to take it all in." I mumbled, still staring at him. His head leaned down, closer to mine. My hands dropped to his shoulders.

"You've changed too. I never thought you'd become as beautiful as you are now."

"Oh, you have so much faith in me."

He laughed, moving closer.

I completed the gap, not being able to control myself any longer.


"Aiden! Wake up!"

I groaned, pulling the blankets over my head. My dream, my memory of Spencer was fading away.

"I was having a good dream! Shut up!" I yelled back, closing my eyes tightly as if that would help me fall back into the same memory.

"Aiden! You have to be at work in half an hour!" I cursed, throwing myself off my bed.

My vision was hazy and I knew I looked insane. My fingers ran through my hair, trying to force it back to my scalp. It was obviously sticking up in every direction possible. I squinted through the darkness, trying to not trip as I found my bedroom door.

"Val! Get out of the bathroom! I need to take the quickest shower in existance!" The door flew open, revealing Val, a huge smile taking over most of the bottom half of her face. I glared up at her, wondering how she could be so cheery.

"Don't worry about being late. I do kind of own the shop Aiden." She laughed, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. I stared up at her hazel eyes, still squinting.

"Ugh." Was the only sound I could come up with at that moment. Val laughed at me and moved aside, letting me stumble in the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror for a quick second, disgusted at what I saw.

It was then I took the longest shower in existance, seeing as I fell asleep standing at least ten times. My outfit consisted of an oversized band t-shirt of some kind since I could careless which one it was at that moment, and some black leggings. I slipped on an oversized gray hoodie, and placed a pair of 4 inch bright orange heels on my feet.

My hair and make-up was incomplete, but I didn't care. When I finally arrived at work, I failed to notice the looks I was getting from our early customers.

"You're so lucky I own this place, and that I love you." Val said, snipping a piece of hair on her customer. I mumbled a reply, going to the back to drop off my purse and see what my outfit looked like.

Gazing in the mirror, I shrugged, thanking god for my well toned legs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I changed some things around.
And I'll post another chapter later today.