Status: Active?

Angels Shouldn't Cry

Chapter 1

My tattered white, strapless dress flowed around me in the winter air. It was barely enough to cover me. My body started shaking violently but i ignored it. My bare feet crunch softly in the fresh snow.

Leave the lost and dead behind
Now's your chance to run for cover

The snow fell thickly around me. My blue-ish hand reached out for a snowflake. I was slowly loosing all feeling in my body. My breath billowed around my mouth in puffs of irregular smoke. Pain and fear crept through out my entire being.

I don't wanna change the world
I just wanna leave it colder

It was truly a winter wonderland in the forest. The only thing that stained the white was my trail of blood that dripped from my frozen feet and cut up flesh. Warm blood started to freeze to my skin as the temperature dropped.

Light the fuse and burn it up
Take the path that leads to nowhere

I entered a small trail. No indents or footprints ruined the thick snow ahead of me. The wind whistled around me but i didn't feel any of the cold any more. I was only numb. I feel to my knees. My dress was close to blending in with the snow but my blood stained parts of it in large quantities. My long hair fell loosely from the neat hair do I had it in only a few hours previous.

I will not break
I will shut the world away

The tears finally escaped my eyes, barely warming my cheeks. I didn't even feel the salty water start to freeze to my pale, bluing skin. I could feel my body start to shut down. I forced myself to survive longer, despite the pain I was in.

I will not fall
I will not fade

My efforts were useless. My heartbeat started to get slower and more out of rhythm. The shaking started to take over my body. I forced myself to stand up but my legs refused to hold my weight. Falling to the snow covered ground, I gave up.

Watch the end through dying eyes
Now the dark is taking over
Show me where forever dies
Take the fall and run to Heaven

I waited for the darkness to take over but it never came. I laid there, waiting. soon i didn't feel anything and I felt like this great weight was added to my back. The most horrible emotions and thoughts washed over me. I felt rage, sorrow, pain, depression, guilt. The worst emotions battled inside me. I got horrible thoughts of suicide and murder. Thoughts of what could have happen if something did happen or if something didn't happen.

Vivid pictures of car crashes, fire, blood, metal, water, and other things that happened to fast for me to name. I thought that it was a nightmare at first...but everything was so...real.

Screams of terror and grief struck my ears. Sobs so heart breaking and words so blood chilling followed. It was almost as if I was hearing the worlds most horrible thoughts, feeling their worst emotions, and reliving their most terrifying memories.

I didn't know what was happening. I just wanted to Shut The World Out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading. Comment if you like. Comment if i need some changes.

By the way, the song is 'I Will Not Bow' by 'Breaking Benjamin'

</3 Snowflake!