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Angels Shouldn't Cry

Chapter 7

Ash's P.O.V.

I walked easily in my house. All was quiet so i figured that i was home alone. Enjoying the silence, i started to whistle some random tune. A crashing sound made me stop abruptly. I listened again. Faint sobbing reached my ears.

I sprinted up the stairs towards my sisters room. I expected the door to open right up but when my hand went to turn it, it didn't move. I cursed silently to myself as i tried to jiggled it open. It wouldn't budge even if someone's life were to depend on it.

I took a few steps back before throwing all my body weight and force into it. The wood splintered where my shoulder his it. I punched at the wood until it broke away. No light came my sister's room.

I unlocked the door from the inside and easily burst through it. A bluish light faintly illuminated from a strange source near my sister but it was almost as if my eyes wouldn't-couldn't-focus on the object giving off the light.

I brushed it all aside before swiftly flicking on the light. My sister had her body leaned against the wall. Her eyes were dazed and unfocused as they stared at the ceiling. An impressible amount of blood was on her shirt and in the carpet.

My words were stuttered but only for a slow five seconds. I recovered and called for an ambulance. The operator and whatnot sounded like they were talking in a slow, foreign language.

I nearly threw the phone at the wall. My mind was in a haze as i knelt next to my sister. "Angel? Baby, can you hear me?"

Zyra's P.O.V

I watched as The boy i had seen earlier kneel next to the girl that was slowly fading away. "Angel? Baby, can you hear me?"

The agony in his voice was nothing new to me but it still cut through me like a razor. I reached out for the girl as her light in my mind started to die down. I kept reaching for her. My fingertips brushed against her cold skin. I was shocked.

But the shock was soon replaced with agony that tried to rip my black, dead heart out with it's burning yet icy claws.

Pictures of family and love flashed through my numb mind. Something that only i could see but never feel. The color of blood grazed over my vision in painful sweeps. Hate racked through my body as glass seemed to cut my skin. The image of a boy kissing another girl swiftly changed to one of a bruised side. Tears ran fresh and surprisingly hot down my cheeks.

The angry eyes of a male teenager bore deep into my. I realized with a sudden jolt that i was no longer myself, but the girl that was slowly loosing her life. The man that was staring at me had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. His expression was that of anger and he had a sadistic smile on his angled features.

Pain racked the sides of my body but it seemed to have been pure bliss at the same time. Blood ran freely down my arm, giving off the pleasing aroma of rust and salt. I looked back up at the man who was seemingly enjoying the torture he was giving. The girl - i mean me - searched his face for one emotion. That gleam in his eye but neither was there.

Pain not only came from the flesh but from the mind and emotions. Pure grief stuck to the heart like a leech. Sucking away the feelings that she had once, and still, felt for him.

The man that was giving her pure misery, no longer loved her. He didn't even love the torture that he gave daily.

My vision started to clear. i expected to find myself next to the girl but instead, i was in a white roomed area. Tile was the flooring and white paint was the paint on the walls. The air of the place stank of death and sickness. An aroma that i was quite used to, sadly enough.

I wandered down a hall. All the emotions and pain was almost to much for me to bear at the moment. I took long strides, in hope to meet my destination so i could quickly leave when such task was done.

My vision blurred slightly. When everything focused, i found myself in a room where a young girl was struggling against the venom of cancer. She had to have been twelve years of age.

I could tell that she was done struggling but the grip her mother had on her kept her alive for a few moments longer. I was about to take a step forward but my vision blurred once again. My head swam with all the thoughts of all the people in pain and in desperate need for emotional healing.

I saw the girl, Angel as i recalled, tucked in a hospital bed with tubes and needles inside of her skin and what not. Her brother, as i had assumed, was sitting next to her bed. I walked over to him and meant to lay a hand on his shoulder.

To my surprise once again, my skin touched his and I was caught up in a flurry of memories. Memories of absolute luxury and happiness. However, behind it all was a strong need and a horrible sorrow. Images flickered all to fast for me to make them out before everything just stopped. My eyes focused onto steely and angered gray eyes.
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tell meh what ya think!!!! Comment will keep me going and i may, if I'm in a good mood, update tomorrow or so. Maybe even on Wednesday or Tuesday. Depends on if i get 3 comment. Thank you very much for reading my stories.

Rest in peace Jimmy Sullivan. You will be missed dearly for you were an awesome person. Even though i never knew you, i had always wished that i would get the chance to meet you and your awesomeness. i just hope that you are chasing after Stallion Ducks up there in heaven and always jamming out on your kick ass drums!!! YOU WERE THE BEST DRUMMER OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

</3 Snowflake