Waking Up in Vegas

Chapter Four


My eyes opened slowly but my eye sight was blurry. My head pounded worse than it had ever had before. Did I drink too much last night? I still wasn't able to see straight. I closed my eyes in an effort to blink away the blurriness. But it didn't work. It was when I tried to move my hands over my face that I remembered what happened. I started to panic. I wanted to scream but my mouth was taped. How did I not notice that before? I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

I heard mumbling noises coming from behind me. I tried to move my hands free when I felt his hands. He grabbed on my hands tightly.

"Well looky here, sleeping beauty is finally awake." My eye sight was still blurry but there was no mistaken that the guy standing in front of me was a rag. His breath stank of cheap cigarettes and beer. I wanted nothing more than for him to get out of my personal bubble. I blinked my eyes rapidly praying that it would clear but it was no use. "Having trouble seeing huh?" He laughed.

"I told you those drops would work wonders." Another man's voice spoke this time. I heard his footsteps come closer to me. When the stopped my heart sped a little. I was afraid of what he was going to do. I suddenly felt ripping pain come from my mouth as he ripped the tape off. "Now, if you promise not to scream I'll keep this off." I nodded my head. I head read about being kidnapped. The more you corporate with them the easier it can be to escape. Or at least I hope so.

I heard Rob grunt as they ripped the tape off of his mouth. "The same goes for you pretty boy."

"What do you want from us?" Rob spoke hastily.

Both men laughed and left the room without giving an answer.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concern voice.

"Yea, I'm okay as far as I can tell. I can't really see. Are you okay?"

"As far as I can tell, yes."

"What do you think they want?"

"My guess is money."

I tried to wiggle to see if I could turn. After a few minutes I was able to move myself to face him. Well the back of him, until he realized what I was doing. Once we were facing each other I couldn't help but cry again. My dream had finally came true only to be ruined but some thugs. Was this world really that cruel? As I felt his face gazing at me I realized this could be the last time we ever be with each other. I smashed my lips onto his and kissed him passionately. My tears continued to flood as we kissed but I didn't care.

Suddenly the door flew open. I tried to push myself up from Rob but one of the men grabbed me before I could. I let out a whisper scream of pain as he jerked me to my feet.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Rob you can't have this beauty all to yourself." The man with the stinking breath spoke.

"Don't you lay a finger on her or I'll-" Rob's voice was angry.

"Or you'll what pretty boy?" The chuckled and tightened his grip on me.

"Rob don't." I whispered with my head down. I turned in the direction of the man holding me. "I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt him."

"No!" Rob yelled.

"Shut it pretty boy!" The man yelled. Then he walked me away from Rob. "Let's see what acting skills you have."
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