Moonless Night

The break up

It's all right to tell me what you think about me.
I won't try to argue or hold it against you.
I know that you're leaving; you must have your reasons.
The season is calling, and your pictures are falling down.

The steps that I retrace; the sad look on your face.
The timing and structure - did you hear? He fucked her.
A day late, a buck short; I'm writing the report.
I'm losing, and failing - when I move, I'm flailing now.

My eyes barely opened as I literally rolled out of bed. This isn’t the first time this has happened, so I landed on a bunch of blankets. My eyes fully opened as I stumbled out of my room. But I sadly ran into a wall. But this wasn’t a wall; it was soft and was very cold. I landed on the floor on my butt, and looked up only to find a grinning Emmett. My eyes widened as I tried to figure out how he got into my house. My question was answered as Sirius, Edward, and Jasper walked into the hallway with Alicia and Wyatt- I mean mom and dad. I need to get used to calling them that. I screamed as they grinned at me. “Stalkers!” I shouted, jumping into the bathroom. I smiled as their laughs echoed off the burgundy wood door. I quickly took my shower and slipped on: my blue plaid shirt, torn grey skinny jeans, and my black Converse. I quickly walked out of the bathroom and went down into the kitchen after putting my hair into a high ponytail. Mom poured me some coffee and I took the homemade apple Danish out of Sirius’s hands. While he was whining and I was enjoying my sweet breakfast, I happened to glance over at the calendar on the wall. My mood damped immediately as I saw that it was Monday, the day James And I were supposed to break up. But I was determined to prove her premonition wrong.

~Forks High 20 minutes before school begins~

I pulled into my spot next to Nessie’s pink Ferrari. My yellow Porsche Boxster purred as I shut it off. I slowly got out and walked over to Nessie and her family, smirking as I saw Emmett getting slapped in the back of the head by Bella. “What did he do now?” I asked. Rosalie looked over and smiled when she saw me. She was like the mother I never had. “Well Emmett was joking about brunettes.” She smiled softly. I grinned and looked over at Emmett. “Tell me the joke!” I said, jumping up and down. Emmett laughed and retold his joke to me:
“The brunette had been married about a year. One day the she came running up to her husband, jumping for joy. He didn't know how to react, so he started jumping up and down along with her.

"Why are we so happy?" he asked.

She said, "Honey, I have some really great news for you!"

"Great" he said, "tell me what you're so happy about."

She stopped, breathless from all the jumping up and down "I'm pregnant!" she gasped.

The husband was ecstatic, as they had been trying for quite a while. He grabbed her, and kissed her
"Wow, that is wonderful," "I couldn't be happier!"

Then she said, "Oh, honey there's more."

"What do you mean more?" he asked.

"Well we are not having just one baby, we are going to have TWINS!"

He was amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant "How do you know that," he asked.

"It was easy," she said. "I went to the pharmacy and bought the 2 pack home pregnancy test kit."
"Both tests came out positive!"

I started laughing hysterically. Emmett laughed with me and we had to hold onto each other for support.
As I whipped the laughter tears in my eyes, I looked over by a small birch tree and saw a couple making out. The girl slipped off the guy’s jacket to reveal his amazing biceps. But on those amazing biceps, I saw a very familiar dragon sword tattoo stretching across it. I felt sad tears enter my eyes as the guy, who I now recognize as James, give the girl a small kiss on the neck as she giggled. I slowly walked over; gripping the promise ring he gave me 2 years back. “Hi James.” I whispered, upon reaching them. He looked up, and his face turned grim. “Annabelle.” He replied stiffly.
“How long?” I mumbled.
“ A year now.” He replied, clearing his throat slightly.
“Why?” I asked, a single tear making its way down my cheek.
“You wouldn’t give up your virginity for me.” He said.
“YOU of all people should know that I’m saving myself for marriage!” I said, getting louder.
“SCREW YOU MOTHER F******” I screamed, throwing the ring at him. By now a crowd had formed. “ I can’t believe you.” I muttered.
“Wait, you were dating her, while you were having sex with me? You told me you were single!” Katie shouted, walking over to me.
“Baby, I-“
“Don’t call me that asshole! We’re done!” Katie cut him off. She turned to me with a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry Annabelle. I didn’t have any idea.” She said quietly.
“You’re not the only one.” I muttered to her, smiling. She smiled back and we walked up to James and at the same time, slapped him hard. He fell to the ground with a split lip and a bloody nose. I gave a high-five to Katie and kneeled down by James and whispered to him. “Karma is a bitch.” And with that said, I smiled back a Katie, knowing she would become a good friend of mine, and walked back over to my group. “I’m proud of you Anna.” Bella smiled, hugging me. I hugged her back. I then turned towards Alice and hugged her. “I’m sorry for ever doubting you. My heart told me not to believe you.” I whispered to her.
“Its ok sis. You wanna go on a shopping spree with Rosalie, Bella, Nessie and I after school?”
I beamed up at her. “I would love to.” I smiled, hugging her again. Jasper looked over at me and smiled sadly. “You will find true love someday.” He muttered. I smiled back at him and walked into school with Nessie.