Life's Fariytale

The Stranger

It was a very masculine arm, but it wasn't jake's. It was more catious, and firm, more secure, warm. At that point i wasn't real worried about how it was, but the fact that they saved me from having to get stiches!
"She'll be fine," the voice said, "just got a lil worked up. I heard her yell down stairs." it was a familiar vioce, but i couldn't quite put a face with it. It was a very strong, yet timid voice. Harsh when he refered to Jake or the whore, but gentle when refering to me. It was very confident, and sounded very demanding. It was like music to my ears. The most beautiful thing i had ever heard.
"Where the hell am i!?" i said when i woke up. MY vision was all groggy, but i could tell by the sent, it was a hospital. "UGGHHHH! Why me? Why did he have to ruin everything!?" i was screaming in my poillow when i heard a giggle form the corner. It was that same beautiful voice. i kept the pillow to my face to hidev the embarrassment that flashed over me like a flood. "Well, I thought maybe a 'Thank you for saving my life' was in order, but that works too!" i moved the cormer to see my knight in shing armor, and it was him.
What was he doing here? i know i sound ungrateful but its not what i was expecting.
"oh umm, yea thanx...i guess i owe you one" i smiled meekly. it was clay. the boy that never spoke to me but once before when we had to share books in 5th grade. " oh you could say that" he chuckled.
oh my God! he smiled. what a gorgus smile. "don't stare you nit wit!" i kept thinking to my self. he was beautiful. every girl in scholl thought so. almost everyone wanted him but he didn't like any of them. i never tried to ask because i figured he would turn me down as fast as he did the others.
"you busy tonight?" he said interrupting my daydream. "ummm, i..dont...think sooo? what exactlly do you have in mind?" i knew what he was thinking. he wanted to go out with me. WITH ME! i felt my hert unvoluntarily speed up rapidly and of course the damn heart moniter gave me away. "curses" i mumbled. He laughed "i have a feeling you have something in mind. would you mind to share?" i propped my head up on my elbow, " well im getting kind of hungry!" my facve was bright red now. so red that my ears were burning.
"how about when you get out of this hell hole well go by somewhere and get some grub?" he sadi witth that smile. omg that smile!
"sure!" i beamed, "that is if they ever get me out of here!" he laughed his beautiful laugh. "that's no shit."
"well so much for playing hard to get.." i thought to my self.