Status: New layout, what do you think?


You're Joking, Right?


My mouth hung agape as I stared into my best friends eyes, he grabbed my left hand and repeated his question. Just the image of him looking at me with determined puppy dog eyes, his naturally pouty lips turned up in a nervous smile, and him down on one knee just put me in utter shock.

"You're joking, right?" I asked in disbelief. Like, he's my best friend and everything and I did have this on and off crush on him but married? He couldn't truly be serious. Could he? And if he was, where the hell did this come from and why couldn't he have done it earlier?! His eyes lit up and i blushed at the way he was looking at me. The crush on him was so on again.


"Of coarse I'm serious!" my blush deepened and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. Maybe dreams do come true. Wait, reality check! This is my best friend here, not to mention he's 23 and I'm only 19, I'm still young here! Do I really want to get married? "It's the perfect way to get back at my dad," my smile faded completely.


"Don't you see? My dad said he could accept me being gay, but marriage is out of the question. He'd flip if I got married! And you're my best friend and I trust you. Besides after the wedding we could just get an annulment or what ever it's called. It's perfect!" I shook my head in disbelief. So he didn't care about me after all. It was just a stupid plan to get back at his dad for their stupid fight.

Hurt and anger started to surface and I think he could see it fall across my face. He got off his knee as I snatched my hand out from his. But he wasn't fast enough, my hand collided with his face with as much force as I could muster. After the loud smacking noise my hand had made with contact, silence filled the room.

I took deep, controlled breaths to calm myself down before speaking. "I, am not, a whore. I will not marry anyone unless I truly love them. So unless you suddenly fall head over heels in love with me and want me to be your partner for the rest of your life, I suggest you get the fuck out of here," his mouth open and closed like a fish, his hand gently touched where I hand slapped him, a small bruise was already surfacing, and I suddenly wanted to cry.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I grabbed the hand that touched where I had hit him, and he flinched. Biting my bottom lip I pulled his hand away and gently brushed the tender skin. "Shit, I'm sorry Oli, I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I was just upset," a few tears slipped down my cheeks as I sniffled. He simply nodded and covered his hand over mine.

"I don't think you're a whore Noah, I've never thought that,"

"I know, I'm sorry," I pulled him into a hug and buried my head on his shoulder. He rubbed gentle circles up and down my back as we both cried. When my throat and eyes started to burn I pulled away. His eyes were red and his lips trembled. That's when I made up my mind. "Oli, if it means so much to you. I'll marry you, but, on one condition,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Not too proud of this chapter.
It's pretty blah.
Anyone want to comment on how blah this was?