Status: New layout, what do you think?


Shut Up You Horny Bastard.


"Oli, if it means so much to you. I'll marry you, but, on one condition," Oh, shit. Now I'm scared, literally. God only knows what that one condition will be, and I know I won't like it from the look on his face.

"And that would be?" my voice cracked halfway through my question. He smiled wide. Oh fuck...

"No sex," I fell off the couch dramatically, arms spreed, back on floor, and fake crying.

"Why do you torture me?" I screamed to the ceiling. Yeah, I'm a sex addict. Have been since I was sixteen. I can't help it okay, stop judging me! Of coarse, Noah found my display funny. He gripped his sides and laughed.

"Oh get over it. I told you, I'm no fucking whore. And I will not be sleeping with you," I smirked at a few memories.

"You mean you won't be sleeping with me, again," a pillow collided with my face. I sat up and gaped at him. "You're an abusive bastard today!" shrugging he simply rolled his eyes.

"Get over it,"

"I wonder what my dad would say if in my vows I say how much I love it when you scream when I lick up yo-"

"Shut up you horny bastard!" it was my turn to laugh as he biffed the remote at me and missed by a mile, his blush turning redder than a cherry. I swear it was! I ran a hand through my messy hair and smiled up at him.

"You know you love me,"

"I kind of have to," he muttered. I blushed slightly, he really was a cute guy. Creamy colored skin, bright, beautiful hazel eyes, a straight nose with a diamond stud on the left, snake bites on his bottom lips which always looked oh-so kissable. I always have a random urge to take his bottom lip in my mouth and suck on it. Weird, I know. He also had six piercing on his ears, three on each, and even his belly button was pierced, but that was a dare.

My favorite feature about him, besides his lips and eyes, was his hair. No matter what it was always straight, silky, and shiny. It never frizzes or anything. The lucky idiot. He was just too cute sometimes... Other times he was pretty gorgeous.

"I have a question," he groaned.


"After our wedding, if there's no sex, what the hell are we going to do for our honey moon?" Before I could react another pillow collided with my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best chapter but I'm half tired and wanted you guys to have some form of entertainment. It'll get better, I swear!
Thanks so much to those who commented!
I couldn't believe it when I saw it.