Status: New layout, what do you think?


Bathroom 'Sex'.


The silence was awkward. Oliver looked like he was about to shit his pants and I had to control my laughter. Yes, I did find this whole situation amusing, and so did my parents. But what Noah didn't know was that I actually told my parents that we weren't really going to get married, so they agreed to play along. Poor Oliver, he's known my parents for a long time, but he has no clue what extremes they'll go to just to make someone do something.

I kind of feel sorry for him right now. I focused on his dad, which was the cause of all this shit in the first place, and I can't tell you just how shocked I was when he finally spoke, in all seriousness.

"So where's the ring?" my jaw went a little slack but I fought to regain my composure as I nudged Oliver's side. I gave him a look that said I wasn't going to answer and that if he didn't I'd spill the beans. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth a few times, looking like a fish out of water, before he gained enough courage to speak.

"I-I h-haven't got one y-yet," blinking his eyes rapidly perspiration started to form on his hands and forehead. How did i know his hands? He suddenly grabbed mine and entwined our fingers, they were clammy as hell. I smiled and looked down as I blushed. He never held my hand like this before... never! It was kind of having a major effect on me. I felt his grip on my hand get even tighter and I looked up at everyone through my eyelashes and the locks of hair that had fallen into my eyes, and I saw Noah's slight distress. His father was... smiling?

"I always knew you'd get together." his father boomed with, pride? What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He barks orders at Noah for years, puts him down about his sexuality and forbids him to ever marry a guy? And he 'knew'/b] we'd someday be together? This man has problems... "Ever since I came home and heard you in Noah's room, I knew." I choked. He knew about that! A blush creeped up on my face and I let go of Noah's hand, regrettably, and literally hid behind the couch as our parents burst into laughter at my embarrassment.

**One Hour Later.***

I ran to Noah's bathroom as he led our parents to the door. They were finally leaving, and I could actually come out form behind the damned couch. I have never been so emotionally and physically embarrassed in my whole life. I closed my eyes and laid my hands against my face. This was a horrible day starting now.

The click of the door told me that Noah had walked in. I don't know why he closed the door, but who fucking cares? I don't know why I was suddenly angry, but I needed to release it somehow before I snapped at Oliver. I didn't want to do that. He didn't do anything, so why should I let my anger out on him? Fuck, why am I so angry? I shook wit it, the emotion flowing through my veins like wild fire. I guess Oliver knew because he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I didn't bother to struggle, even when I felt him full and hard against my behind.

Spinning around in his arms I crashed my hips against his, put my fingers through his belt loops to keep him in place, and started a battle between my lips and the exposed skin right behind his ear. He moaned but tried to push me away.

"Noah, you said no sex," his voice was a bit forced and I bit down on the sensitive skin.

"I don't give a flying fuck what I said," I spat angrily and ground my hips against his again. Yeah, I sometimes have anger problems. But since we were getting married Noah will just have to deal with it!

"Noah, you said no. You're not a whore so don't do this, I don't want to have sex then you regret it later,"
♠ ♠ ♠
I have half of Part Two written.
I also have a goal for comments, so no comments no updates.
Should they? or shouldn't they?

Goal: 5.