Status: New layout, what do you think?


Bathroom 'Sex'


I covered his mouth with my hand as I slid the other down to cup him in his pants. His whole body jerked in surprise but a low moan erupted from Oliver's throat making me smirk. God, what the fuck is wrong with me? I mentally attacked myself as I laid my lips against his collar bone and licked the warm, soft flesh. Letting my hand drop from his mouth I continued to rub his growing erection as I skillfully undid the buttons of his shirt.

"No-Noah y-you have t-to st-stop p-pl-please," he tried to grab at my hands but I slapped them away.

"Shut up and just enjoy this. If I didn't want it to happen I wouldn't be doing it now would I?" Was that my voice? It was a hell of alot huskier then I've ever heard it before. What the fuck am I doing? I felt Oliver's control slip away as he leaned into my touch on his man-hood and gripped my hips so tightly I swear I would have indentations of where his fingers dug into me through the material.

"Hey Noah?" his voice was forced and out of breath. Sighing I muttered a 'Hmm?' into the skin of his collar which I was now sucking on. He not only smelled like a fucking god, he tasted like one... Wow. Where the heck did that come from? "I-I just wanted to say -th-thanks," I pulled away from his heated skin to look at my handy work. Satisfied I wiped away the small saliva spot with my thumb, which sent chills through both of us making us shiver.

"For what Oli?" I looked up into his face and saw a slight blush form across his already flushing cheeks.

"For going through with this and for-"

"According to you I'm stupid, useless, I can't do anything right..."

Safe to say that when my cell phone went off I shrieked. What? Wouldn't you shriek if you were having a sexual, best friend moment with, well, your best friend and some random chicks voice rang through the whole room. Not that Orianthi is some random chick, but anyways! Not that point. I held one finger up to Oliver silently asking for one moment as I fish my phone out of my back pocket and leave the bathroom to answer it.

I bit back a huge ass gasp when I saw his name in block letters across the screen of my phone and flipped my phone open.

"One sec okay?" holding the phone to my chest I turn to see Oliver staring at me awkwardly. "It's my mom, I'm going to go for a walk and talk to her okay?" he nodded and I had to force myself not to run out of his house.

When I felt like I was a safe distance away, so Oli wouldn't be able to hear me, I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.With slightly shaky hands, and a heavy guilt weighing down my heart, I raised the phone to my ear and gulped. I hoped that Colin wouldn't have heard it and I forced myself to speak.

"Hey babe," my voice was slightly shaky, but otherwise normal.

"Hey, how are yeah?" his soft voice filtered into my ear and I smiled. Colin always had that reaction on me. Just a few simple words and everything seemed all right. I started up a small walking pace down the sidewalk towards my place.

"I've been okay, how's your trip? I miss you so much you have no idea," a pang of guilt pulsed through me as images of what I was just doing flashed into my mind. I pushed them away though.

"It's been alright. Wish I was back home with you though. Hey listen, I know this isn't the best time or way to ask, but I have to do it. Noah?" My heart skipped. Oh fuck no, don't do it!


"Will you marry me?" You fucking did it! Just as I fucking told you not to! Fuck! What am I going to do now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, my computer did this weird shut down thing when I was finishing off the last chapter yesterday. When I logged back in the whole damn thing was gone.
Not a happy moment in my life.
Plus I've been sick the past two days so it really didn't help.
I hope this chapter was okay, since the last one was deleted! Grr, made me so mad...
Anyone want to try to guess who Colin is?