Status: New layout, what do you think?




Colin's hand ran gently up and down my inner thighs as I laid contently across his bed. Sighing I lift my hands to cradle through his head. Our eyes locked intensely, neither one of us wanting to shift our gazes anywhere else but at each other. A slight guilt hung over me when my mind continued to shift back and forth between the moment at had and my earlier doings with Oliver. They shouldn't have happened.

The radio played softly in the background, Adam Lambert's sexy voice filtered through y thoughts every time I switched them. It was an interesting contrast, my mind listening to my own thoughts then randomly shifting to the song lyrics. I think the song playing is For Your Entertainment, but I'm not too sure on that one.

The soft, warm sweeping feeling of Colin's gentle kiss swiftly brought me away from my haunting thoughts and right back to the moment at hand. Earlier I had told him the whole crazy idea that me and Oliver had gotten ourselves into, and he weirdly understood why I agreed to it. But then again, he understood how much Oliver means to me, because he loves him as much as I do. But, Colin being his older brother, and them coming from a tight family, it would only be natural that they love each other the way they do.

It is a bit weird that I have to hold off mine and Colin's engagement, because I do want to marry him, because of this whole fiasco, but I want to do this. Plus the only person who really knows about mine and Colin's relationship is Oliver and Colin's dad. That would probably explain why his dad didn't have the reaction Oliver thought he would have earlier. He knows it's all for show and that Oliver will never go through with it in the long run. I know I wouldn't have the guts to do it. It is your future after all.

Groaning I pull out of the kiss that I wasn't even focused on anyways and covered my face in my hands in a sign of depression. I whispered an apology before Colin swept me close to him as he rolled on his back. The movement cause me to end up sprawled across his chest in an intimate manner. That made me feel a lot better, sarcasm.

"If this whole ordeal makes you so upset then why not just tell him the truth?" I ran my up his chest and shook my head.

"I just can't suddenly do that to him, it's not right,"

"And keeping all these secrets from him is?" I couldn't look into his face anymore, I just nuzzled my face deeper into the intoxicating heat and scent of him and refused to look into his face. I knew he had a point, Oliver deserved to know. But for some reason my heart ached in a dull, but deep, ache that just refused to subside. I felt him sigh beneath me and I knew that for now, I had won. That for now all these secrets would remain between us and far away from Oliver.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating in awhile!
Hope this isn't as shitty as it sounded when I wrote it.
Made a new layout!
What do you guys think?