Status: Finished, check out the sequel!

Show Them What it Means To Be Alive

I've Never Tried to Make the Best of My Time

when I thought that I had plenty of it

Within the next couple of hours, Melanie had gotten the best sleep she’s had in months. She was finally content where she was – the days merged into nights, and most importantly, nothing was rushed. After waking up into a state of being half-asleep, and then falling back asleep a few times, she had regained enough consciousness to pull herself out of bed.
A good five or so minutes were spent on a scavenger hunt for the light switch, seeing as it had gotten late enough to where the sun rays through the window pane weren’t enough.

Laughing at the realization that she was still wearing Alex’s shirt and boxers, Melanie decided that she at least had enough drive to change her clothes.
Changing out of her bikini for the first time in what had to have been a day and a half, Melanie flung on the first T-shirt and pair of sweatpants she found in her bag.

Kara was still dead asleep; face dug into the pillow and her legs hanging off the side of the bed. Having nothing to do, Melanie decided to finally unpack her suitcase into the drawers provided.

Just as she had given up hope, she was able to see the bottom of her bag. For the last few minutes of Melanie’s endevaur, Kara was stirring in her sleep. But whenever she thought her friend was going to wake up, nothing happened.

Finally, boredom had gotten the best of Melanie and she grabbed one of the pillows she had brought from home and threw it at Kara’s head. She screamed, then rolled over, clutching the rail that kept her from falling off the top bunk.

Melanie was sure that if she wasn’t so busy giggling, she’d feel bad.

“You’re mean,” Kara mumbled as she made her way down the ladder.
“Well you’re lazy,’ Melanie countered
“This your phone?” Kara picked up one of the items Melanie had found while cleaning out her black-hole of a suitcase.
“No. I just have strangers’ phones on my bed for safe keeping.”
“Shuddup.” She grinned, “Want me to put the boys’ numbers in it?”

“I guess, but I don’t really know them,” Melanie answered, playing with my hair. This was true. From her experience the previous day (and early morning), she without a doubt wouldn’t mind getting to know them more, but she hated being the one to obnoxiously squeeze into a group of friends.

“That may be true, but from what they’ve told me today, they really like you.”
“Really?” Melanie looked up at her, smiling
“Yeah. And I mean they’re nice and all, but they won’t just pretend to like someone.”

That made her smile. “Yeah, and just so you know, your description of them was like, perfect. Especially with Alex and Jack.” she remembered, changing the subject slightly.

“Yeah Jack’s a piece of work.” Kara laughed, “How’d you like Alex? Girl’s either love him or hate him. Or wanna fuck him … or some combination of the three..”

“I don’t know..” Melanie tried to hide her ear-to-ear smile. “In the beginning, he kind of seemed like an ass. But then I could see him getting nicer. It was like he was warming up to me, I guess.”

“That’s exactly it. And he’ll open up to you more as time goes on – of course, the hip-thrusting, smirking, Alex that you’ve met will never really go away,” She assured her friend.

Kara continued talking, though not exactly cutting Melanie off since she had nothing to say exactly, “But since, well I admit it, he’s really hot, girls will throw themselves at him. And let’s just say the girls that want him make me and you look like angels. It sucks, he gets the reputation for a whore, but he really doesn’t have any other option.”

“WELL,” Kara changed the subject, obviously eager to get out of such a serious conversation, “Tell me what you guys did when I wasn’t there.”

That was Melanie’s cue to launch into a full-fledged one sided conversation, telling Kara every detail about her previous day, no longer hiding the mile-wide smile painted on her face. And because of how the day worked out, 90% of what Melanie told her had been about her experience with Alex.

“You like him, don’t you?” Kara cut in just as Melanie was telling her what happened back at the cabin, with a grin like that of a kid in a candy store.

The younger girl shoved her face into the nearest pillow to hide her blush, “no I don’t!”

“Awwwww” She gushed, “You two would be so cute together”

“I don’t like him!” The other girl insisted, with her face still submerged in the plush pillow

“Is it what I said about him and girls?” Kara asked, somewhat regretfully, “Then ignore everything I said. Once he finds a great girl like you he would never look at any of them again. He’s a really nice guy, he’s just kind of oblivious.”

“It’s not that,” Melanie told her, pulling my head up for a breath of air, “It’s just that, this is summer. What happens when this is over? It’s gonna end just as quickly as it started, and I don’t think I’ll be able to let go.”

“Oh,” Kara mumbled, “That makes sense,”

“Yeah,” Melanie whispered.

“Do what you want, but just think, these are the days you’re going to remember”

And just like Kara told her to, Melanie thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
re-writing = pain.
don't do it.

i'd love some feedback on the re-writes, though *hint* *hint*

the new chapters so far are super great. GET PUMPED. :D

chapter title credit; the phrase that pays - the academy is...