Grasp This, Moron

Numero Dos...?

I walked into my house and braced myself for what came next.

"You! You didn't clean up the house! I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN THE HOUSE!!!" My mother screamed.

"Mom, I did clean the house this morning! I got up at four again! Look, I even dusted the tables!" I said, pointing to the one of the tables quickly. They were clear of dust, and smelled like oranges from the cleaning oil I used to make it shiny.

"What about the laundry? DID YOU DO THE LAUNDRY?" She exclaimed in my face, glancing down at the table smugly.

"No, but you didn't ask me to-" I started. She cut me off.

"No! I did ask you! You stupid girl! Do the laundry and go to your room and clean it! I want you out of my face RIGHT now!" She yelled.

"But mom, I-"

"No! I don't want you back talk! Anything that comes out of your mouth is WRONG! Do you hear me? W-R-O-N-G. WRONG." She said, tears flooding form my eyes. I ran into the laundry and took the soaking, detergent smelling, clothes out of the washer and I hung them on the racks. I took the old clothes from the racks and shoved them into the dryer for ten minutes, and during those ten minutes I was slumped on the floor and crying.

When the dryer beeped loudly,
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Okay, I'm in English, and I can't finish this. I will repost later when I'm done with it.