Status: Active :)

L-O-V-E is just another word I never learned to pronounce

Always the same, that’s not my name! that’s not my name!

I ran out of the bus, I didn’t know where the hell our bus was so I just decided to stay outside wait until they were finished with their conversation.

I took of the hat and ran my fingers though the thick tangles of my hair.

“She use to that too, whenever she was angry or upset,”

I whipped my head to face Mikey who shoved his hands in his pockets and walked over to me,

“How’ve you been Lamaine Harley Andrews” He smirked,

I frowned, “No body calls me Harley anymore Mikey, and if they did they’d find there selves in a head lock,”

“So it is you!” Mikey exclaimed, and I shushed him.

“Shh Mikey!”

“Why?” He asked, his excitement dying down and turning into a vast of confusion

“Ray and Gerard can’t know.” I stated numbly as I leaned on the bus.

“Why?” he asked again,

“Complications,” I said simply,

Harley, I’m your best friend, you got to tell me why,” Mikey insisted,

I shook my head, “You used to be, until you guys forgot about me.”

He furrowed his eyebrows, “Forgot about you? No Harley it was because--”

“Don’t call me Harley! Don’t ever call me that! That person died a long time ago!”

I stomped away from him, and started to run when he tried to catch up to me.

I don’t need fucking excuses, I’m tired of them

“Harley! Come back! Harley!” Mikey yelled,

Stupid Mikey! He kept screaming that stupid name!

I stopped at my tracks and glared at Mikey, “Okay, I stopped. You happy? Now would you do me a favor and stop and I mean stop calling me Harley?

Mikey frowned at me, “Fine, but answer me this: Why don’t you want Ray and Gee to find out?”

“I’m angry at you guys Mikey,” I scowled, “You guys forgot about me.”

Mikey was about to protest but I interrupted,

“But that’s okay, I understand and plus you guys are really famous now, you don’t need some friend you knew in Highschool.”

“Come on Har-I mean L you were our best friend.” Mikey smiled, “and the reason we didn’t contact you much was because of our old manager, he only wanted us to focus on our music, but when we had a new manager we wanted to contact you but when we tried you changed everything! Your Cell, your E-mail and your mom said you moved out.”

I just looked at him, so he didn’t replace me with for the band? But still that doesn’t explain what Gerard did to me.

Well I can’t ask, Mikey and Ray never even know that me and Gerard had a relationship.

“Your still and forever will be my best friend,” He admitted,

I smiled, “Oh Mikey I missed you guys so much!”
I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

“But you still don’t want them to know right?” Mikey whispered,

I laughed, “Yeah. Like I said, complications.”

“Would you like to tell me?”

“In time, maybe I will.” I answered,

That would be nice to tell him, that I really didn’t want to face Gerard, afraid of his reaction. Will he be happy to see me again? Or mad?

Wait! Hell! I should be angry with Gerard after the hell the he made me crawl though, but after seeing him today, the emotions in the depths of my hallow heart told me otherwise.
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I just lurve Mikey :)