Status: Active :)

L-O-V-E is just another word I never learned to pronounce

I notice your eyes are always glued to me

After the concert, I went beck to the bus, Ray-Ray chose to stay, typical, and hang out with My Chem for a while.

As I climbed on the bus I saw Lily tuning her bass, on the kitchen table

“Hey Lily,” I greeted numbly as I sat next to her.

“Ray-Ray forced you to watch a concert with her didn’t she?” She said, her eyes never leaving her bass.

I laughed throatily, “Well, you know her, if she doesn’t get things her way she’ll break a neck.” and I mean literally break a neck.

Lily smiled, “So how was the concert?”

I did my signature scowl again, “Boring, overrated, all the fans were almost wearing the same thing.”

She looked at me with wide eyes and smacked my playfully, “Hey! MCR’s not that!”

I grinned at her, “Okay maybe it wasn’t that bad.”

God, it was more than half bad it was fucking amazing, I mean the band just had a connection with the crowd it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! But! Of course why the hell would I tell anyone that? The gals know how much a loathe them, more of Gerard so why tell?

“Yo peeps!!” Ray-Ray chimed in, as I heard several footsteps climb up on the bus,

Oh no! Tell me it isn’t so!

“Hey guys!” Frank chimed in as jumped on the bus, I quickly mad my way to my bunk and dragged the curtain,

I laid there holding my breath, and rolling my eyes, I didn’t have to hide, this is my damn bus! I let out a breath and rolled to face my window. How could time slip away? The sun was already setting?


I quickly sat up and I screamed at the highest pitch and the culprit covered his ears,

“Shit L.A!” Frank said still covering his ears,

“God! Could you be anymore immature?” I glared in a startled voice,

“sorry! I was only playing around! I didn’t mean to upset you,” Frank said in semi-sorry, semi-annoyed tone

“Good,” I closed the curtains quickly making a wall as I crossed my arms another scowl forming on my face

“I must apologize for my bandmate’s behavior, she isn’t always like this,” I heard Krizzy explain

“It’s just her Time of the month” Ray-Ray joked.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” I muttered sarcastically as I got off bed and felt a pair of Hazel eyes on me,

I glared at Gerard who was smirking seductively at him,

“So…did you like the concert L.A?” Mikey asked while he fiddled his fingers

I smiled genuinely, “Yeah, it was good.”

Lily gave me a weird look but pushed it away, “You guys wanna hang out ‘till like later?”

“Yeah sure, that’ll be fun.” Bob queered smiling at Lily, Lily giggled,

Fucking Hell, I can’t take this anymore! I grimaced “Well I think I’m going to the back room and lyrify”

“Lyrify?” Mikey snorted, I rolled my eyes, which a good thing he didn’t see for I was walking away, m back to him.

“Oh that mean she’s going to write a new song,” Ray-Ray explained with a huge grin.

I grimaced at Ray-Ray’s infatuation and walked briskly to the back room, the back room consisted of nice big soft couch and our instruments lying around everywhere, I grabbed my lyric book and started to fiddle with the pen.

I sighed and pressed the pen on the paper leaving my thoughts to run,

So many times you've hurt me
So many times you've fooled me
But you'll be doing it again

I smiled at my work, even though it was just a bit, I grabbed my acoustic guitar and crossed my legs, and fiddled my pen.

To me the nights have fallen
The lights are on and off again
Is there a chance that you won't die
Won't die, with me tonight?

I tuned my guitar and started making random tones as I sang the words at the top of my head

“Like a shooting star to where you are
Are we too late am I too soon?
You'll make it through you've gone too far
Will you ever be my star?”

I sang softly and smiled again writing it down, but like any song that I’ve been trying to write this past few days I get blocked and don’t know what to do next

“I'm holding on to nothing
No reason worth for living
I'm calling out to you”

An angelic voice sang in the same tone, I snapped my head up to see Gerard peering though the door with a small smile on his face

“I didn’t mean to intrude,” Gerard apologized, “It was very good though,”

“Thanks,” I grumbled as I bit my lip, it was a habit of mine that I always did, whenever I was feeling shy or awkward

Gerard furrowed his eyes brows as he saw me bit my lip, what was he thinking?

“Need a little help?” He asked, I stared at him with wide eyes,


“Well, it looks like you need a little help with your uh song, I could help if you like.” Gerard offered, I stared at him with the same wide eyes.

Is he fucking blind? Doesn’t he see at all that I don’t like him? That I rather die than be in the same room as him?

I bit my lips and wrote down the lyrics he said for it was damn good, but no! I don’t want his help.

“Well,” I hesitated, “Just look at the time!” I exclaimed starring at my wrist, there was no watch, “I really should be getting some shut eye. Sorry, thanks though.”

I stood up and tried to push past him but he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall,

“Why do I even try to be nice?” He said huskily, “When you don’t even show a speck of consideration in all the times I tried to be nice to you.”

“Then don’t try.” I snapped as I tried to push him away, he pushed me harder.

“I just want to take that scowl out of your pretty face,” He whispered as he traced me jaw line with his finger.

I wasn’t scowling, but I did when his finger touched my face causing all to familiar tingles to erupt from my stomach

A blush was now seeping on my face and I swatted him away, he gladly stepped back a huge smirk on his face

I opened my mouth and closed it again, repeating the process three times, God! I couldn’t fin the words, the blush was still on my face. The blood hot.

“You look like a fish,” Gerard commented the smirk still plastered on his face.

I tightened my jaw and stared at him, and walked away, going back to the living room, joining the gals.

Ray-Ray saw me coming and was shocked, “Why are you all red?”

I was about to say something, when Gerard passed through me a full blown smirk on his face,

Ray-Ray smirked as well, “Oh, I see.”

“No! No! It’s not what you think!” I frantically said,

Ray-Ray’s smirk grew, “Right. It isn’t” she winked.

I shook my head and decided not to say anything more, I walked away from the living room and went to the kitchen opening the refrigerator to get some coca-cola, I opened it sipped a bit before setting it down on the counter and feeling strong arm wrap around my face.

“Y’know you can’t just walk away from me,” Gerard purred in my ear, I stiffened and tried to pry his hands away.

“Let go of me,” I hissed, another blush creeping on the my cheeks,

He chuckled and released me, “Just wanted to see you blush again, sugar

I grimaced at the sugar comment, memories began unraveling in my head, as anger rushed through me,

“Listen here, you little twit.. I don’t want to do anything with you, okay? I don’t like your band, I don’t like your music and of course I don’t like you.”

He stood there shocked as I stormed out of the bus. Running my fingers in my hair, as leaned on the bus.

“Fucking bastard,” I muttered silently as someone pushed me against the wall.

“I can change what you feel about me in just click of finger sugar,” Gerard hissed.

I rolled my eyes, Fucking hell, does this guy ever give up?

“Why can’t you just accept that some people don’t like you?” I said, ignoring how close he was to my face as I glared at his Hazel orbs

“I can, but you don’t have a reason to hate me.”

Yeah right. I’ve got a fucking reason.

“I have my reasons, and there is no way in hell you can make me like you.” I pushed him away,

He smirked, “Oh keep telling yourself that sugar, “

I grimaced as I climbed back on the bus, he couldn’t not again, this isn’t about him, or what happened, this is about me and my band. He can’t come in to my life again and leave again. I won’t let him.
♠ ♠ ♠
GOD! Sorry if I didn't update our computer broke and had to be fixed.