D. Gray Man

Akuma who has lived in Japan since she was seven meets three exorcists. Unlike the other exorcists she is different she has two Innocence. One is an equipment type the other is a parasitic. The equipment type is a scyth that controls elements in the shape of animals at her will. the parasitic that can sync with her equipment type, and other equipment types. Which is the rarest of the Innocence.

After all that happens in Japan she returns to the Dark Orders tower or Home as they call it. And what happens there is something along the exorcist job. She meets characters she likes and others she'll hate forever.
  1. Meeting
    Akuma meets Kanda, Marie and General Tiedoll
  2. Edo and a Clown enters
  3. Human side starts to show
    Little by little Akuma is starting to seem more human than a machine
  4. Cross Appears
  5. 'Home' sweet 'Home'
    The group returns to HQ of the Dark Order with Akuma in tow.
  6. Shit! Does Cross know something I don't!
  7. ATTACK! and enter the Level Four
    Yeah... I gave up on trying to come up with good chapter titles
  8. Side story, kind of.
  9. Birthday gift.
    Just have to wait and see. I won't talk!