To The Broken Heart

Apology here I come

The next morning was like the last only this time Alex actually woke up and had a shower he even managed to make eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast with a cup of coffee. He smiled to himself while petting Felix and staring out the window he glanced down to purring Felix his black hair glistening in the light it looked shiny the only part that didn’t was the little streak of white going up his head in between his eyes Felix looked up his green eyes locked on Alex’s green ones, “Well Felix time for me to get dressed.” Alex picked Felix up off his lap and set him down on the floor lightly then quietly and smoothly walked across the living room wooden floor in his socks to his bedroom he switched the light on his room was a mess he’d have to clean it up later right now he had to get dressed and go apologize to that girl he snapped at yesterday.

Alex decided he wanted to wear blue jeans with wholes in the knees of them and a t-shirt of his own band All Time Low, but he didn’t want to see the memories that he saw when looking at his shirt so he through a hoodie over it that said Eagle in white cursive letters across the front of it he found it very comfortable and warm to where he loved lounging and snuggling in it from time to time it was his relaxing hoodie as he would call it. Alex looked in the mirror and messed with his hair a little bit to make it look like normally then he smiled, “Today is a new day for you Alex your going to make a right choice and do one good thing and feel good about it.”

Then he sighed and walked into the living room to grab his car keys he grabbed them off the counter and walked to the door, but as he grabbed the knob he turned to look at his apartment once more he saw Felix sitting on the couch watching him, “Be back in awhile Felix promise wish me good luck.” Then he was out the door he locked it as he shut it. Alex turned and started down the hall, but then he stopped a minute. Should I take the elevator or the stairs? He smiled at the thought of that girl when she walked down the stairs he decided he’d do the same Alex only took 5mins to get down the stair another 5mins going through the garage parking lot to his car he had a black mustang that he loved. Once in his car Alex put the keys in the ignition and drove out of the garage with in twenty minutes Alex pulled up in front of the house that the strange girl lived in he knew she lived here because every day when he’d drove back and forth to the studio she’d be out here sitting on the steps or over in the garden working.

As Alex got out and approached the door it flew open before he could get to the bottom of the steps the strange girl he didn’t know swung out it with demands, “What are you doing here? What could you possibly want? I don’t have your cat if you’ve lost him again.”

This made Alex grit his teeth a little he didn’t like how she made him sound, but he understood her anger and furie against him, “Look my cats not missing again and I know I deserve that I just wanted to stop by and say sorry for snapping at you yesterday and making judgment that wasn’t true I’m just having a tough time and you showed up at wrong timing and I took my anger out on you so sorry.” That was all he could think to say or the only way he could explain to her that it wasn’t her fault at all it was his and he deserved her being mad at him so Alex turned to get back into his car to go home or where ever.

“Wait!” She yelled Alex turned to see what she wanted she came down the steps toward him, “I’m a good person at heart and I accept your apology. Do you want to get some coffee and tell me what’s wrong? I may be able to help and even if I cant I’m sure you’ll feel better after letting it out.” There was a moment of silence. Should he tell her why his life was hell? “I don’t even cost as much as your therapist.” This was a joke and he laughed hard at it.

“Why do you think I have a therapist?” He asked her with a big smile and still a little laughter to his voice.

She smiled and walked down to the last step there was only three of them she sat down on the top step and put her feet on the 3rd step, “Because I know you.”

He laughed again and sat back on his cars hood putting his hands half way in his jean pockets, “Oh is that so.”

“Yes you’re the lead singer to All Time Low right and with paparazzi and press and all the T.V. and I’m sure you have other things it drives you famous people crazy so you all basically have therapist because you can afford them.” This was true most of them did, but he didn’t he didn’t see how a therapist could help him the problems he had were his own not the therapist’s.

“Well I guess that’s true, but I don’t believe in therapists they can’t solve my problems only I can.” And with those words he smiled even bigger.

She looked at him for a moment then spoke, “So coffee?” it was said as a question.
“Yes defiantly.” He answered getting up off the hood of his car she stood and turned around for the house door, “Where are you going?” He asked.

“To change I know you hate my dirty cloths from gardening so I’m going to change.” He couldn’t help, but to laugh loud and hard he even bent over some he was laughing so hard he had tears of joy in his eyes, “What?” She said with a little bit of anger.

“Oh no I’m not laughing at you.” He said realizing what she must be thinking, “It’s just I told you everything I said yesterday was out of anger how you look is perfectly fine I love the style sense.” That made her smile.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” He motioned for her, “Now come on lets go.” And she did.
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