It's Complicated

I'm Sorry

“Stop it damn it!”


“Fucker, you’re cheating!”

“Am not!”

“Paine, tell Noah he’s cheating!” Ronnie cried, desperately trying to get me to stop leaning over to smack his controller.

“What am I a mother?” Paine asks, watching as the two of us battle it out on Call of Duty.

“No, mom’s are normally pretty.”

I laughed aloud as Paine snarled, “Watch your tongue Ronnie or I’ll rip it out.”

Ronnie squeaked and looked at me for help. I just laughed and patted his back. “It was nice knowing you.”

“Noah! You’re supposed to help me.”

“Are you nuts? Paine could kick my ass.”

“But he wouldn’t do that,” Ronnie laughed, looking over to Paine with a wide grin. “Would you?”

Something strange happened. The look on Ronnie’s face, the nearly invisible pink dusting Paine’s cheeks, and his lack of a comeback for that. I eyed both of them suspiciously, wondering what the hell was going on, but Ronnie quickly spoke and destroyed whatever what was going on. “He’s just too much of a softie.”

“Says you,” says Paine before he turns back to the computer, where he does whatever the hell he does.

Ronnie pauses the game, claiming he was hungry. He got up and leaned over to whisper something to Paine. I watched as the boys’ body tensed just as Ronnie pulled away and walked out of the room. Once he was out I looked towards the brunette before asking, “What’s up with you?”

Paine looked at me from the corner of his eye. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re acting like a weirdo.”

Paine scoffs, “You act like a weirdo 24/7 but I never question you.”

“That’s because I am a weirdo 24/7 and you’ve learned to live with it. You aren’t a weirdo all the time though so what’s happening?”

Paine shrugs before answering, “Ronnie just had to tell me something about a crush of mine.”

“Why does Ronnie know about your crush and I don’t?” I cried immaturely, scooting over so I was closer to Paine.

The boy sighs, “Because Ronnie wouldn’t know either, but he found it out himself.”

“So…if I find out who it is and I ask you if I’m right will you tell me if I am?” I ask curiously.


I pouted, but didn’t push it. Even if Paine did have a crush he wouldn’t act on them. I’ve known Paine almost my entire life and never has he ever dated anyone. Hell, I’m not even sure if he’s had his first kiss yet or even lost his virginity.

Even though we’re close he’s pretty damn secretive. Sometimes I think I don’t even know him as well as I think I do.

Lets not think about that though. It’ll just make me feel bad.

Ronnie came back with chips and popcorn. He jumped onto my bed with me and soon we were all pigging out on junk food and joking around like the idiots that we are.

It felt really great to have Ronnie back.

Later that night Paine left, claiming he couldn’t stay because his parents would flip. Ronnie and I waved good-bye before moving up to my room where we both laid for hours and talked, just talked.

I rolled onto my side so I was facing him. Ronnie did the same and laughed, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“I’m sorry.”

Ronnie looked confused. “What for?”

“You know…for liking you.”

Ronnie sighed, but smiled as he threw his arm over my waist. I flushed as he pulled me into a friendly hug. He ruffled my head like an older brother would as he spoke, “It’s ok Noah. I…I don’t think I’ll ever like you in that way, but damn it no matter what I’ll always love you as my best friend and as a brother. I know it probably hurts for you to hear that, but I just need you to know so when you do find that someone who loves you as much as you love them you remember that I’m still here, just in case something goes wrong.”

He was right. It did hurt to hear that. It hurt to know that Ronnie and I would never be what I wanted us to be, but it still felt amazing to know that he was ok with the feelings I harbored for him. It felt good to know that he was with me all the way no matter what.

I smiled into his shirt. “Thanks Ronnie.”

“No problem my little leprechaun.”

I growled, “I’m not a leprechaun.”




“No.” I scowled.

“Leprechaun it is then!”

“Damn it Ronnie! I’m not that short!”

“Oh yes you are.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Interesting chat no? :D
I'm working on Ch. 12 now so if you wan it you know what to do
