Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 12

"KASHI-SAN!! YOU PERV!" I grabbed my black bra out of Kakashi's hands. Sick pig.
"I am doing the laundry. What else? I'm not that--"
"Laundry?? Seriously? Couldn't you have just let me do it?"
"You doing laundry is not a believable sight."
"Oh please." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Emily-chan." Naruto opened the door. "Can I borrow your nail clipper?" He looked down at what I was holding. In almost a flash, he grabbed my bra before I even had time to gasp and ran out of the apartment.

"NARUTO! WHAT'CHA THINK YOU'RE DOING, NASTY WHISKERS BOY?!" I screamed, trying to catch up to him.
He didn't listen. He just kept chuckling.
"HEY! HEY! KONAHAMARU!! CHECK THIS OUT!" he skidded to a stop when he found the little boy with the scarf.

"It had touched boobs!" Naruto chuckled holding the poor bra right in front of Konohamaru's face.
"Oh, wow!! Can I touch it?"
I grabbed Naruto's collar and grabbed his lips, practically ripping them from his face.
"Oh, Naruto. You silly silly scoundrel. Why are you so perverted? Don't take advantage of me just because we have opposite genders. I'll have you know that I'm not only a fine, elegant and divine young woman. I can hurt you much more physically than Sakura." I tried not to go rapid. I didn't want to end up like another Tsunade.
"Geez, Naruto-san! You didn't tell me you have another girlfriend!" Konahamaru blurted out.
"Yah, we're dating alright. Come on, Naruto-kins, let's go back to the apartment, shall we?" I gritted my teeth and pulled Naruto's spikey hair to our destination while he still held onto my bra.
"KASHI-SAN, PUNISH THIS WHISKERS BOY WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH!" I screamed when I got to the apartment.
"Emily!!" Naruto whined. "Leggo my hair!!"
I snatched my bra away from him. I saw Sasuke and Sakura outside nearby and they were looking at me all "what did she do now?" faces. I dragged over Naruto by pulling his collar while I walked over to them.
"Naruto?! Emily-chan, what you do this time?" Sakura asked, eager to know what had caused him to have a messed up appearance.
"Now Naruto, you are going to see something you've never seen before," I said slowly, ignoring Sakura.
Before Naruto even said anything or blinked, I knocked over Sasuke and Sakura's heads together, making them kiss.
Right in front of the whiskers boy.
Sakura, of course, seemed to be enjoying every second of it so she didn't object.
After the kiss which took Sasuke a lot of force to break, Naruto was stunned.
I glared at him. "Jealous much?"
"E-EMILY-CHAN!" Naruto yelled trying to strangle me.
"I'm teaching you a brilliant lesson, young cricket."
A kunai struck through my long brown hair.
The three of us looked at Sasuke.
Sakura was still immobilized and blushing by what had happened.
Naruto tried not to laugh.
I embraced the cockatoo haired boy with such tightness that his pulse almost stopped.
"We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine!" I blurted out the Beatles song.
I let go of Sasuke then and turned to Naruto.
"Next time when you really want something to give you a nosebleed, try stealing Lady Tsuande's bra. It's, like, a C-cup. Or more bigger than that."
"Haha, what's that, Emily?" Kiba laughed, walking by with Shino and Hinata.
"Talk to the blondie." I said.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Naruto loudly said.
I punched him on the head not too hard. "And I forgive you." Then I looked at Sakura.
"My god, girl, your face is turning so red. Hinata much?"
Hinata flinched.
"Wha-NO!" Sakura burst out.
"Lemme make Sasuke kiss you again and see if you faint."
"NO!!" Naruto yelled out then had an embarrassed look on his face.
"SHINOO!" I suddenly cried out and jumped on him. "I miss ya, buggy boy. How ya been?"
"You've seen him only a few days ago." Kiba snorted.
"A day without my bug-boy is a living hell. He entertains me quite so." I smiled. Then an idea struck me.
"HEY, HEY, SINCE THERE ARE SEVEN OF US, LET'S HAVE A DANCE PARTY!" I started doing the caramell dansen. Everyone was kind of silent, except for Kiba who was fake coughing and Naruto making some silly comments.
"Joo just jealous, hon," I winked, "my skills are better than yours."
Naruto and Kiba laughed. Suckura gave me a weird look.
They just don't know the true meaning of fun. I'm gonna kick it old school and just dance till I drop against those suckas.
"Kay, who wanna dance wit me?" Immatating Justin Bieber from my dream.
"Me? Nah, dancing is not me. Even dancing against someone wearing an oversized shirt and some loose capris."
I looked down at myself. "Hey, hey. Kakashi-san is very big."
Then I froze.
"Emily-chan? You look pale," Naruto pointed out.
"What's with the big gathering over here?" Shikamaru asked.
"Sasuke-kun~!" Ino hugged him dearly.
Stars insantly appeared in my eyes, like the time I saw Neji.
I jumped on Shikamaru, tightning my arms around his waist, and I tried my best enjoying this very romantic absolute moment.
"W-what the hell...?!" Shikamaru asked astonished.
Stupid fangirlism.
"WHAT'S GOING ON? EMILY-CHAN, IS THERE SOMEHTING WE'D LIKE TO KNOW?" Naruto said, his mouth in quite shock.
"Guess this is love?" Kiba laughed again.
I let go of Shikamaru. "Well, from my village, called Mexico, pineapple haired dudes are wonderful species of men."
"Species of men?" Sakura looked at me quizzically.
"Ha, the wonderful species of men of Konoha is my Sasuke!" Ino squealed.
"I must go," I mumbled, going back inside the apartment and locking the door and closing the windows.
I changed my clothes into my black outfit and converse. I found Kakashi sleeping on the floor of the kitchen. I didn't bother to wake him up. I was kind of happy. Thinking of when I can see Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Gaara soon.
You gotta love this world.
I went back outside seeing that the crowd decreased. Sasuke, Ino, Suckura, Hinata and Choji wasn't there anymore. Probably had busy stuff to do or things to eat.
"Yo, Naruto, ramen time?"
"Well, jeez, okay. You didn't have to scream."
"This your new teammate, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked, nodding towards me.
"Yup, I'm Emily Henson. And you are?"
"Shikamaru Nara."
"Come here, want a hug?" I started reaching my arms out to him.
He kind of backed away. "I don't know her and she's already hugging me?"
"Oh. Okay. The guy doesn't like free hugs. I see how it is."
He just gave me a weird look. Oh how I love him.
"Sweeeeet. So let's get some food. I'll pay." I was about to skip when I realized I didn't have any yen.
"Wait-o, I be back."
I ran back inside the apartment, grabbed some money from Kakashi's pocket, and went back outside to meet Naruto, Shikamaru, Shino, and Kiba.
"Akamaru is pretty hungry," Kiba grinned.
"Who said I was feeding the dog?"
"Wait-why not?!"
"Excuuse me, but if you want Akamaru to eat, you gotta feed him yourself."
"Oh, right. I see how it is."
I laughed. "Whatever."
I grabbed Shino and Shikamaru's arms and dashed over to the ramen place, despite Shikamaru's complaints. But, hey, you gotta love the pineapple haired dude.
When Naruto sat on a stool, I glared at him again.
"Whiskers boy, why are you here?"
"You're still punished about the bra thing."
I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, fine. Dang it."
I paid for everyone's food, even Akamaru's because Kiba kept pleading me to do so and he didn't have any money on him.
As I was heading home, I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I was glad I watched tons of Jackie Chan movies. But then, I didn't know how I knew where the presence came from and why, but I just grabbed my kunais and threw it over at a tree. Everything turned dead silent and it was almost noon. Kakashi was probably worried about me. Or sleeping still. Or reading dirty magazines. I didn't have much time to think because before I even realized it, everything faded.
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Wondering what's going to happen next?
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