Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 4

I woke up in the middle of the night at about 2 pm. Somehow, I really couldn't sleep. Maybe I just need some fresh air.
So I quietly opened the door while Kakashi was sleeping on the couch. I went outside and was glad that I escaped the loud snoring. Now what? I waited. And waited. And waited. What the heck am I waiting for? A leprechaun to show up and offer me some pot of gold? Or pikachu will randomly thundershock me? Whatever it was, I wish I was back home. I just needed some time to think. All right, so I fell asleep after being at the computer way too long, woke up in this large woods, and now I'm here--in the Naruto world. It's still too hard to believe yet it seems so real. GAWD, if they can make things more explanitory.

"OH JACKIE CHAN, IF ONLY YOU WERE HERE! YOU AND I COULD HAVE KICKED SOME BUTTS. No, wait...I'm a warrior. I can deal with this. All I have to do is ju--"

"What are you muttering about?"


He hit me on the head real hard. "Don't scream too loud. Do you know what time it is, Emily? What are you doing out here? You need to sleep."

I sighed. "Yes, mother."

"Emily..." he warned.

I walked back inside lazily and plopped back down on the bed.

"Is something bothering you?" Kakashi asked.

"No, old man. The problem does not concern you." I yawned and closed my eyes. Sometimes it was difficult for me to sleep away because I usually have conversations with myself in my head. But this time, I was actually pretty tired because of all the things that happened today. I think next morning, I'll find mother waking me up for breakfast.
How truley wrong I was.

"Wake up, sleepy." Kakashi's voice rang through my ears. I groaned and through a pillow at him. Kakashi sighed and said, "Emily, when you live in my house, you obey my rules. Now come on, we're going to train. Get dressed."

He was already dressed in his usual clothes. I then proceeded to change out of Kakashi's large shirt and shorts and into my only clothes which was a Rolling Stones shirt and ripped up jeans. The night before yesterday I never bothered to change my clothes. I trotted to the kitchen and found Kakashi sipping his tea in the table while reading one of those perverted books. There wasn't really any food but only fruits in a bowl.

"Not much of a cook." Kakashi said like he had read my mind.

"Oh really..." I said. "No food for a poor child like me. Wow Kakashi-san." I grabbed an apple. Then I looked at my feet. "Crap. I need footwear. I just remembered that. Any chance that there's Payless around this place?"

"I don't know a 'Payless'," he said momentarily confused. "But just before you woke up..." He took out a pair of ninja shoes next to the doormat that I didn't even notice and threw in in front of my barefeet. "I took a trip to the place where it holds some equipment for beginner students. Put them on."

I shoved my apple into Kakashi's hands, threatened him not to take a bite (he raised his eyebrows) and put them on. "This is just perfect. How did you know my size?"

"I measured your foot while you were sleeping," he replied casually. "You have unusually large feet by the way."

After hitting him on the arm multiple times, ("I DO NOT HAVE BIG FEET! MY FEET ARE WONDERFULLY NORMAL AND MEDIUM SIZE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!") we both headed towards the bridge where Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were waiting. I bit into my apple and forced a smile. Naruto was the first one to greet me. "HEY, EMILY-CHAN! WHAT'S UP?! YOU GUYS ARE LATE!"

Sakura didn't even glance at my direction. She was trying to have a lovely conversation with the lovely jerk, Sasuke.

"Oh, Sasuke-kun, after training, would you like to have some lunch with me?"

Sasuke said nothing.


No response.

"Sasu--" I couldn't take the annoying voice anymore. I threw my apple over at Sakura's head. Direct hit.

"Sakura, why do you waste your own time liking this-this...this THING that never even said one nice thing to you? What do you see in him anyway? Just his looks? What about personality? God, get a life. It's always 'Sasuke this' 'Sasuke that'. You need to focus on your freaking training if you ever want to become a strong person," I said, annoyed. FINALLY. I HAD LET IT OUT. THE THINGS I HAVE KEPT INSIDE SINCE I WATCHED FROM EPISODE ONE. Man, I feel good.

Sakura glared right at me. Seriously, I could even feel the piercing, icy eyes trained on her prey. Naruto said nothing but I could tell he was glad. Sasuke said nothing either. Surprise, surprise. And Kakashi just said in what seemed to be a cheery voice, "Let's begin, shall we?"

We walk towards the center of the field when Kakashi paired us up for a small sparring.

I felt my jaw drop. "But I'm inexperienced. How do you expect me to be able to even land a pinch on Sakura?" I protested after Kakashi announced I spar with Sakura.

"They're inexperienced themselves," Kakashi said as a matter-of-factly. "Just do what you think you can do. I'd like to see how good or poorly you guys do until we train more harder."

I glanced at Sakura. "Fine. Whatevs."

We started training and I actually could do stuff that normal people couldn't do. I began doing these awesome attacks that I was becoming scared of myself. Sakura herself thrust these massive kicks and punches but I was that awesome to dodge them. Except she kicked right at my thigh (quite painful). I jumped in midair, I swung my kunai (Kakashi had lent me some since it would seem unfair because Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura already had the weapons of their own) that Sakura dodged with difficulty because it missed her by an inch, and successfully and unsuccessfully managed a few fist punching. She was pretty freakin' mad about her telling her off about Sasuke but I couldn't help but smirk a little when she threw a glare dagger straight at me at some moments.
Ah, puppy love.
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