Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 6

As I was walking towards Kakashi's, I met up with Tenten's team.
Unfortunatly, I was a real fan girl of Neji.

"Hey, you must the new girl Naruto's been talking about! What's your name?" Tenten asked me. Naruto's been talking about my arrival? I'm not surprised, he and his mouth.

"Emily Henson. You?"

Tenten introduced me kindly to her teammates when immediately after Neji said his name, stars instantly appeared in my eyes and the next thing I knew, I glomped the pupiless eyes boy.

"NEJI!" I cried full of pure joy. I enjoyed the full 5 seconds of my life after he stood up.
Tenten and Rock Lee looked rather shocked. I expected it anyway.

"What was that?" Tenten eyed me suspiciously.

"I-I...I saw a big bug on the back of his shirt and who knows?! It's probably some enemy's device or something trying to destroy Neji! Or it could probably...contain a little bomb or poison! I was just making sure!! You know, we should watch our surroundings at all times. We need to know if...if there is any danger around! So attacking Neji was a good possible way to take the bug out. I couldn't just stand here not doing anything while your poor teammate get infested my this-this INSECT!" I said whatever spilled out of my brain. I pretended to pull out something from the back of Neji's shirt and threw the invisible thing out.
The three of them just stared at me for a moment. It was too awkward for me with Neji staring at me, figuring out what just happened. He obviously knew I was lying. Hey, I'm pretty sure everyone knew I was lying.

"I'm not so sure there was really--" Rock Lee was cut off.

"UM-OH MY GOSH, KIBA PUT EXPLODING FROGS IN MY KITCHEN AGAIN! I MUST HURRY AND PUNISH THAT DOG BOY!!" I ran full speed like a maniac being chased by a potiential rapist.

"She's quite unusual," Neji said. I could feel a frown from him directly at my back.

"I don't think there was a bug on his back!" I heard Rock Lee protest.

I breathed heavily as I got to my destination. A part of me was angry because of fooling myself in front of the team. The other part was full of happiness. Honestly, wouldn't we all become happy once we hug our favorite character from the awesome anime ever? Then as I went deeper into thought...I could glomp Neji, Itachi, Kisame, Choji, and Shikamaru anyday! I've never felt this excited ever since I bought a Harvest Moon game for Gamecube. The cute chibi characters made the game a must-have.

I climbed onto my bed and just as I was going to lay down, there was a knock at the door.

"What the heck do you want?" I asked Sasuke once I just opened it.

"You have to continue your training."

"Oho, I am perfectly fine!" I assured. Jeez, why can't Kakashi come here and train me instead? I tried to close the door but Sasuke just blocked it.

"I was just asked to help you. If you don't want to get any stronger then fine." He turned to leave then said, "Loser."

He spun around and threw a kunai straight at me. Before I got any chance to twitch or let out my anger, I caught the kunai just in time, right before a few seconds away from my face. Which surprised me. If only I realized I have this epic skill for dodgeball back in gym class.
Two other kunais were coming at me and I caught all of them with my hands.

"WHAT...WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled and glared at the Uchiha. I threw back the kunais at him clumsily with bad aim.

"Heh," Sasuke smirked again as he caught all of them at once, "Not bad. So, where's the evil exploding frogs?"

I looked at him with a nervous laugh. " saw?" I asked, a sweatdrop on my head.

"You're louder than Naruto so how can I not hear. Neji's way out of your league," he added casually.

The sweatdrops multiplied. "OHSHNIZTAKEKAYTHANKSBYE!" I said altogether aloud and slammed the door shut.

Wow. I need to be more quiet like Hinata.
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Wait around for part 7, mkay?