Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 7

I bit a small amount of a chocolate pocky. I was terribly bored. Training was done quickly and there wasn't much to do. I looked up and saw Sasuke passing by and Naruto coming towards me. Random time.

"SASUKE! NARUTO!" I yelled and I pulled them together and made them kiss. I was bored, i needed something to entertain me. Don't get me wrong, it was a stupid thing to do. But then again I do get a bit crazy when I'm in a bored state. Actually, I did not know why I just did that. Oh flippin' krispies.
I began to sing "Guy Love" from the Scrubs while they made a horrible face when they quickly pulled away. Hatred was in the air. Sasuke coughed and gagged while Naruto was practically killing me.


"Oh?" I looked surprised. "Not the first time, eh? I thought Sasuke actually enjoyed it."

Sasuke glared at me and Naruto gave me a mad look.

"Come on, Sasuke! Confess you're love and devotion to him!" I chirped. "Don't act all emotionless, man! IT'S GUY LOVE! DON'T COMPROMISE! THE FEELINGS OF SOME OTHER GUY, HOLDING OUT YOUR HEART INTO THE SKY!"

"What....what the hell." Kiba and Shikamaru showed up. Kiba gave Sasuke and Naruto a 'What's-going-on-look'.

"Oho, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We were just passing by," Shikamaru droned. "And what are you yelling about?"


"Oi, what's with your teammate?" Shikamaru asked.

" don't wanna know..." Naruto said in a depressed kind of way.

I looked at Shikamaru. "You have any objections, sir?"

"Look, I'm not going to interfere in this," he put both his hands up. I put another pocky in my mouth when Sakura came along to talk to Sasuke.

"Ah, Sasuke... I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me."

I snorted. "He's already gay for Naruto."

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled except for Shikamaru, Sasuke and I.

I cracked up when I saw their expressions. They were priceless. "Dude, I'm kidding about everything."

"YOU JERK! CALLING MY SASUKE GAY!" Sakura aimed a punch at me. I quickly pulled Kiba in front of me so he could take the punch instead.


"Oh, sorry!" Sakura exclaimed.

"I'm still mad at you about the pocky thing," I told Kiba.

Sasuke walked away with no one else noticing.

"Jeez, Sakura! Would it kill you to have a little sense of humor?" I laughed avoiding her evil self.

"Insulting my Sasuke is unforgivable, Emily-chan!" Sakura cried.

She is just too crazy for this boy.

"Where do you get you're taste in boys, Sakura? Seriously. Here, have some pocky so you can heal your mad soul," I shoved two sticks of pocky in her mouth. Which was a pretty bad idea.

"EMI-CHAN!!" Sakura screamed, the pocky sticks landing on the ground. I began to see two horns on her head, with a devil tail behind her back, and her holding a pitch fork. She began chasing me all over the village when I found Kakashi.

"KAKASHI! HEY!" I ran behind him. "Tell your student that violence is a bad influence!"

Sakura stopped running and said in a sweet voice, "Hello, sensei."

I pointed at her frantically, "Look! See, Kakashi?! Sakura has an evil mind! Next thing you know, she'll team up with Ino and form an evil organization or gang! And make love with Sasuke against his will 24/7 and then you'll have to quit being a sensei! She's a wicked woman, I tell you! WICKED! Do you care about your students? Do you care about their stupid minds? Who knows, she probably harrasses Naruto behind your back! Which, actually, she does!"

"Now wait a minute, Emi--"

"GOTTA GO, FATHER! MUST RUN!" I said suddenly. I called Kakashi my father. This is pretty cool.
I whizzed passed people and ran away for my life. Sakura would jump on me any time.
I knocked over Kiba (great, the dog boy again) and I was too tired to run again.

"KIBA! HELP ME! SAKURA WOULD KILL ME AND I'M ONLY 13! I'M TOO YOUNG! ALL I WANTED WAS TO GO TO A GOOD COLLEGE AND FIND A GOOD MAN (possibly a British guy) AND RAISE CHILDREN! AND I WANTED TO NAME ALL MY CHILDREN "LINK"!" WHAT AM I TO DO?! IS IT WRONG TO HAVE YAOI TIME?!" I yelled, mostly to myself. "Actually, you know what? Forget that I said that. Forget everything."

"Are you okay, Emily?" Kiba asked.

I laughed. "Stop being such an idiot, Inuzuka. You know perfectly well that I'm being chased by a stupid rage-full girl."

"EMILY-CHAN!" Sakura screamed, her face looking like a tomato and suddenly jumped on me.

[After some bad violence]
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow..." I muttered, patting my cheek.

"Should I get some band-aids...?" Kiba asked after Sakura stomped off.

I shot him an angry look, "Band-aid my ass! You were just standing there while I was getting beaten up! AND NOW YOU ASKED IF I NEED BAND-AIDS?! Kiba, I love you but sometimes you must wash your brain." Boys can be an unknown mystery to us girls. Huh.

Kiba looked down at Akamaru and shrugged. "Sometimes I wonder about her. Don't you, boy?"

Akamaru whimpered as if to say he agreed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. You now know why Emily truly needs a therapist.
I just love her character though.