Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 8

"Alright, Choji? Ready?"

Choji nodded, his eyes not leaving the delicious food.


Both of us gobbled on our ramen, no matter how hot it was. It was tasty. Better than the ones I had back home. Oh god, it was heaven. The race lasted for about a minute or so until Choji had won while I had only soup left in my bowl.

"Ah-ha! That was great, Ami-chan! Now you owe me 2 more bags of BBQ chips!"

"Y-you...." I muttered, clutching onto my stomache. I'm gonna barf anytime soon.

I purchased two bags of BQQ chips as promised and handed them to Choji. His face lit up with excitment and actually shared some with me.

"Thanks! This is the best," Choji said between munching on his chips.

Then Ino came by and looked at him, disgusted. "Ugh, when are you going to stop eating?!"

I looked at her. "Look who's talking. You look like a toothpick, woman."

"What? Choji should have a diet, that's what I'm saying!"

She stormed off angrily. Choji looked mad as he slowly ate his chips.

"Oh please, Choji. I say, Power to the chubby!" I declared.

"Thanks, Emi-chan. I guess I have to get going then. See you." Choji ran off, ramming more chips into his mouth.

I had nothing to do. I guess I should explore the Naruto world. I walked around bored. I was always bored. A kid like me needs some action. Some fun. I found Shizune with loads of paperwork and decided to help her.

"Lemme help you with that," I said, grabbing a dozen of papers from her.

"Oh lord, thank you very much," Shizune smiled and continued walking with me right beside her. "Really, don't tell Lady Tsuande this but she's a royal pain. She should fetch her own papers."

"Ahh, agreed," I nodded, "Hey, Shizune?"


"Why are Tsunade's breasts so big? I mean seriously, is she using balloons?"

Shizune couldn't help but laugh. After a few moments of laughing, her face became dead serious.

"Now, Ami, isn't that a bit personal? Don't talk to Lady Tsuande about that. She has quite temper and she would really hurt you when she hears that."

"Oh really?" I mumbled. It was just out of curiousity. Why, I can't ask how someone's breasts are big? Okay, I can't. But WOW, it's like.. whoa. Is it the cause of plastic surgery? Everytime I go deeper into thought, the more the question had to be asked. So I couldn't wait to get inside the building. We went inside and placed the papers on Tsuande's desk.

"Lady Tsuande! Wake up, you've got work to do," Shizune snapped.

Tsuande's wiped the drool from her mouth and sat up. "Oh, thanks. Emily? Why are you here?"

"Ah yes, she just helped me bring the paperworks along the way," Shizune replied.

"Granny Tsuande? I've got a question."

"Huh? What's that? Why are you calling me that?"

"Well Naruto calls you Granny so why can't I?"

"...Nevermind that. What's the question?"

Shizune had a look that said, Don't-ask-about-her-breasts look. But I couldn't help it. I needed the answer.

"How do you make your boobs so BIG?"

The two of them said nothing so I went on. Whatever my mouth had said. It was moving on it's own.

"Come on, can you tell me your secret? I'm flat chested! So is it balloons or plastic surgery? Honestly, Tsuande. I gotta know. I'm curious. Don't worry, it's not like I'm a perv like Jairya but I'm wondering. Those are large."

"What?" Tsuande got up and I could see her holding a pitch fork, just the way I had imagined Sakura a few hours ago.

"Lady Tsuande, wait...if Ami just apologizes..." Shizune started. But Tsuande was in a rage mode now.

She beaten the crap outta me. She just punched me hard that I made a big mess on the wall. Shizune even looked stunned. Great, I just got beaten up by two violent women. What's next? God looks down upon me and kill me with a lightning bolt? I'm scared to death now.

"NEVERMINDIMSORRYGOTTAGOBYE," I waved goodbye and walked quickly outside the building. The Hokage punched me. That ugly old woman with a little diamond on her forehead. I will never forgive her. What's the harm of asking about her boobs?

"Emi-chan, what happened to you?!" Naruto passed by noticing the big bruise on my cheek.

"I got beaten up by a large and so-not-flat-chested woman!" I groaned and headed off to Kakashi's.
Hope Neji won't see me what a wreck I must look like.
Woe is I.
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Bit weird, but... ;D