Status: I'm really really sorry for the slow updating! I'll update soon, I promise!! ):

Trapped in the Naruto World

Part 9

This is what I do. I sing like no one's around. I got out and changed. I brushed my hair, dried it with my towel and went outside. Another wonderful day to start the morning. The sun shining, the birds chirping like crap, OH GLORIOUS. As I walked down a random path, I started singing again.
"Back to the street where we began, feeling as good as lovers can, you knoow! Yeah we're feeling so good! Picking up things we shouldn't read, it looks like the end of history as we know!" I blurted out Panic! at the Disco's Nine in the Afternoon when Sasuke came by and said, "You have training."
"AWW, COME ON, SAUCY-KUUN!" I chirped, immatating Sakura's fangirlism. "ESCAPE INTO THE MUSIC!"
"You're so annoying."
"I love you too, Sasuke."
"I mean come on, I bet you get a big happy sensation in yourself when I'm always around."
"I'll take that as a yes."
Right then Sakura and Ino came in. Perfect timing.
"NO! NO! SASUKE IS MY LITTLE MUNCHKIN!!" I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "COME ON, MY LITTLE COWBOY! TAKE ME OVER THE RAINBOOW!"
Sasuke was trying to struggle away from me while I can see Sakura and Ino in her devilish self.
"Stop that!" Ino tried to pry me off of him.
"He's MINE," Sakura said angrily.
I laughed and messed with Sasuke's hair. Who knew he uses too much hair gel? I got down from him.
"Aww, we didn't go over the rainbow but that's okay," I said and skipped away knowing I would get revenge from Sasuke sooner or later. But he's a smart ninja so I'm sure he can get out of his conflict with the two fan girls. I hummed merrily, wanting pocky.
After twenty minutes of innocent wandering, I found Tenten.
"Emiii-chaan!" Tenten waved and came over to me.
"Oui, oui," I said in my most best French voice. "check out who came to zee me."
Tenten giggled.
"Hey, want to go buy some stuff together?"
"By the meaning of stuff, what kind? Like dresses, writing utencils, food...?"
"No, no. Well, clothes. Not to be offensive but you've been wearing those clothes almost everyday ever since you came here. I thought that you deserve some more clothes."
I looked down. She was right. My black shirt was stained even if you laundry it, it wouldn't remove. And my jeans had worn out patches that Kakashi tried to sew (wasn't very good) and tons of scratches. Of course, compared to the other people in here, I was the only one different. I was the only one wearing the only brands from Earth.
"I don't have much money," I sighed.
"I'll pay," Tenten dragged me by pulling the back of my shirt to a store.
She quickly ran over to a clothesline. Seeing her like that means she's too excited to help out a friend's fashion style. She reminds me so much of my mother:

"Here, honey! I got this for you!" Mother smiled brightly holding up a pink shirt with white hearts all over it.
"Uh, thanks, mom," I said unappreciatively.
"Oh, yes, I even bought you a matching skirt!" Mother took out a white skirt that was up to the knees.
"Uh, thanks again, mom," I said unenthusiastically.
Never did I wore them. She'd always give me something babish that involves heart shapes.
Well that's pretty much the end of my stupid flashback.

"Emily-chan," Tenten shoved black outfit on front of my face that looked a bit like Sakura's. "What size are you?"
"Uh, medium. But I--" I said.
Tenten walked away without hearing what I was going to say. She kept holding the outfit while she continued searching for other clothes.
I looked around the small shop and gasped. I spotted something that I've always wanted to wear on a shelf. I picked up the beautiful black afro wig and immediately put it on.
This. Is. A. Must-have.
Tenten gave me a weird look. Other customers stared at me for a little bit. That's because they don't know what smexy is.
"Tenten, I gonna pay for this, okay?" I said. I didn't wait for a response. I went straight to the cashier and handed her the wig proudly.
"Ooh, that item is quite old," the old cashier said in her cracky voice. "Seems like nobody likes it until now."
"Well then, today is your lucky day," I said. "Hey, you accept Visa?" I found one of mom's Visa card in my jeans pocket a few days ago. It still looks brand-new.
"Visa what?" The old lady asked.
"Visa. The credit card?" Then I remembered that the Naruto world doesn't have credit cards or even know what it is.
" daughter is named Lisa. Why do you want too accept heer?"
I tried not to laugh.
"Nevermind, ma'am. I have a few money here," my hand searched both of my pockets. I had a few yen. But only for a cheap wig.
I handed the lady some yen and I actually got some change. She bagged my purchase and waved me goodbye. Before I walked over to Tenten, she said,"Tell mah liitle 'ol Lisa to stop by."
I just nodded awkwardly. Like I would find some Japanese woman named Lisa.
"You actually bought the wig?" Tenten laughed when I reached up to her.
I shrugged. "I've always wanted one but my mother wouldn't let me. I had a few yen to purchase one cheap item."
She looked at me curiously. "You have a mother? I thought you never saw or knew her."
"Huh?" I blinked. "What do you mean?"
"Naruto said after the day you came, he had a new teammate and that you never knew your parents."
My mind went back to that day I went to Tsuande's for the first time.
"OH. OH OH OH. I didn't mean my mother, I mean my-my long lost....sister. She acts like a mother to me."
"Really? Have you ever seen her?"
"Not since," I paused to think,"when we were younger."
"Alright," Tenten waved it off,"I have some really cute clothes for you to try on. Of course, you'd want to look good for Neji."
My eyes widened. My cheeks turned red. And my mouth ran dry.
"Ha, ha!" Tenten giggled. "That hug last time sure was something! And nice cover up!"
I looked on the ground. "Grah."
She pulled me to a dressing room and made me try out different kinds of clothes. None of them interest me. Only the grey sweater and a black outfit that looks like Sakura's but without those circles.
"Ah," Tenten beamed when I stepped out of the room for her to see me in the black outfit. "You like that? It really suits you."
I nodded. I couldn't object. Out of all the ninja clothing, this had to be the best one.
"Urm, the grey sweater looks nice too," I mumbled. I didn't want to waste Tenten's money.
"Okay," Tenten grabbed the sweater and the other outfit. She went up front and handed her yen to the old lady.
She really does seem like my mom.
"What about your shoes? I totally forgot!" Tenten said suddenly right after we left the small shop.
"Shoes?" I looked down. My converse look fine.
Tenten nodded and smiled. "You do need new ones, right? And I haven't seen those kind of shoes around. Where'd you get them?"
"Uh, Mexico," I lied. Idiot. It's from Earth. "It's a faraway village from here. Mexico can sell unkown stuff.....that you don't usually see everyday. And yes, that is also where I got my clothes."
"Mexeko? Mexicu? Never heard of that place," Tenten said.
"Yes, well, I can ask Kakashi if he can lend me a few yen to get myself a pair. Besides, you've already gotten me two clothes already, Tenten. Thanks."
"You don't have to thank me. It's just that you lack fashion sense."
I twitched.
"I'm kidding! I wasn't serious!" Tenten laughed and handed me the brown paper bag with my outfits in it.
"Um, thanks again," I said. "I'm going out to eat since Kakashi doesn't even feed me. Want to come?"
"I already ate. I'm meeting up with my sensei later. I'll see you around though, okay?" She smiled.
"Alright, bye."
She drifted off and I just stood there, holding my two bags.
I still can't believe I have an afro wig.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was real pointless. I did it out of boredom and stupidity.
Actually this whole story was made out of boredom and stupidity.