Status: Lisa Sullivan (Felony) Made the banner.



We stood in the ballroom of the Ritz hotel, it had a vast high ceiling, etched with a detailed mural that depicted a biblical scene, if I was drawing the right information it was the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, were nowhere to be seen but the serpent was curling around the apple tree. I gazed at it drawing connections from it to my own current situation, and past ones. Matt and I had the balcony over looking the mass of black with pops of color from the tattoos that made our guest stand out in their own way, tufts of colored hair drew my eye to the person, the cut and color made them identifiable to me. I looked at Matt as he gazed down, deep in a private thought.

"What is our next move?" I asked, drawing him from his thoughts. He was slow to answer, his eyes flickered to me, then back at what he was gazing at; the shrine of Mercy. Pictures, candles, presents that would all be thrown out after we left, had been gathered together in the corner.

"We give her the best sending on, where is Syn?" His voice held an edge of anger.

"I don't think he is going to show up to this." I replied reminding him of the scene that we both witnessed not more than two hours ago. I glanced at the floor seeing if I could spot the fedora sporting widower. I couldn't, and knowing Felony was with him kinda set me even more of edge.

"Absent." He showed his disgust clearly, which for awhile Matt had a great patience and understanding for how Syn was grieving, letting him do what he needed to do, but now something changed. Patience only lasts so long.

He didn't speak anymore on the 'Syn' subject. "We move on then, Mercy-" I interrupted him not hearing the break in his voice when he spoke her name.

"Is going to be harder to get over than anyone else we have lost before. She was practically an original. She built the system of the Harlots, that building is a monument of what she was." I paused blinking as tear fell from my eyes. "She was my sister, Matt." My voice cracked, rather painfully. "She saved me, more than once." His arm wrapped around my shoulder, I coughed. "It was almost both of us." My arm should have been in a sling but I refused and probably would have an everlasting pain in that arm.

"I know. They won't be alive much longer." He leaned against the railing, glaring at the glass window, the storm raged on. I suddenly questioned how their deaths would console us. How would shedding their blood make Mercy's death okay? I furrowed my eyebrows in a frustration. I didn't understand this at all.

"I haven't reached them at all. Who the fuck knows what is going on." Jimmy announced looking flushed as he adjusted his orange tie. "You chose the hotel that her and Syn planned to get married in?" He looked at me, eyes slightly narrowed. "Was that a personal kick in his dick?"

"It was her favorite hotel okay? I was thinking of her, not him." I hissed, crossing my arms and almost cringing. "She told me she lived here as a girl at one point..." I trailed off feeling a painful lump again. I coughed into my fist.

"Yea well, it maybe the death of Syn." He retorted gruffly.

"I tried James! It's more than I can say of you!" My hands found his face, then lost it as Matt reeled me back swinging me into the wall. I groaned at contact and slid to crouching position.

"At a funeral Jinx? Really?" Jimmy spat some blood onto the tiled marble. I couldn't help but crack a bitter grin.

"Shut it! Both of you." Matt screamed. "A funeral of a friend nonetheless. Fucking disgusting." He stormed down the stairs, and into the crowd disappearing into the black abyss, per-say. I saw something in him that stirred something in me. Suspicion. Doubt. Fear, at what could have him so unstable.